Improve Courses & Training by Building Expertise
Quality Matters online workshops help faculty, teachers and instructional designers grow beyond their current online learning expertise. Whether you are experienced or just entering online learning, your courses — and learners — will benefit from the application of QM Rubrics and course improvement tools. Workshops are available to both QM members and non-members, with significant cost-savings for members.
Start by Learning About QM and How to Apply QM Rubrics
If you're new to QM, begin with the Introduction to QM workshop. It's relevant to all membership types. In the Applying the QM Rubric workshop, you'll practice writing helpful recommendations for continuous improvement with the QM Rubric as your guide. You'll also learn how the QM review process leads to alignment with learning objectives through non-opinionated analysis.
Click on the tab below (Teaching Online Certificate - TOC, Higher Ed.-specific, K-12-specific, Research, All Programs, or Session Bundles) that matches your area of interest to see workshops available. CPE members receive member rates for Higher Ed workshops — please contact us for instructions on receiving member registration rates.
- Assessing Your Learners
- Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching Strategies
- Creating Presence in Your Online Course
- Evaluating Your Course Design
Evaluate the instructional design of online courses using established quality assurance standards and rectify deficiencies through teaching.Learn More
- Exploring Your Institution's Policies
- Gauging Your Technology Skills
Identify your technology skills gaps and be able to fill those gaps through available resources.Learn More
- Higher Ed Teaching Online Certificate
Get a package discount when you register for all seven workshops at one time. A 10% savings. Earning all seven QM Digital Credentials earns instructors the Teaching Online Certificate.Learn More
- Orienting Your Online Learners
Show your mastery of explaining why it's important to orient learners to online courses and how to do so.Learn More
- Developing an Online Community of Learners (DOCL)
Participants will master the techniques needed to create an engaging, supportive online learning community that fosters student success through active participation and meaningful interactions.Learn More
- Facilitating Meaningful Learner Engagement (FMLE)
Participants will develop skills to create personalized learning experiences that respond to individual student needs through data-informed instruction and strategic support.Learn More
- Instructional Design to Facilitate Learning (IDFL)
Participants will learn to design effective online learning experiences that align objectives, activities, and assessments while promoting student agency and engagement.Learn More
- K-12 NSQ-Aligned Teaching Online Certificate
Complete this set of self-paced workshops to align your teaching online skills with the NSQ Teaching Standards and receive a digital credential.Learn More
- Modeling Responsible Online Presence (MROP)
Participants will learn to create and maintain a secure, ethical online learning environment that promotes responsible digital citizenship.Learn More
- The Professional Online Teacher (TPOT)
Participants will develop the fundamental skills and mindset needed to become effective online educators who can manage their responsibilities while promoting digital citizenship.Learn More
- Addressing Accessibility & Usability (Standard 8)
View courses from the perspective of improving accessibility and usability for learners. Get insight on Universal Design for Learning and techniques for creating accessible content.Learn More
- AI Horizons Virtual Workshop
Synthesize insights from leveraging AI to assist with curriculum design, rubric creation and online discussions in this synchronous, virtual workshop.Learn More
- AI-Driven Discussions
- Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR)
Learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course.Learn More
- Connecting Learning Objectives & Assessments (Standards 2 & 3)
Focus on aligning learning objectives to the assessments you use as you create or review courses.Learn More
- Creating Course Alignment Maps (CCM)
Explore the concept of alignment and create an alignment map for a module in your course.Learn More
- Design That Welcomes Your Learners (Standards 1 & 7)
Take your online or hybrid course and explore methods to set social and instructor presence and provide institution support. This workshop specifically addresses Standards 1 and 7 in the QM Rubric.Learn More
- Designing AI Grading Rubrics
Learn to use AI to create rubrics for assessments and assignments that you can incorporate into your LMS.Learn More
- Designing Your Hybrid Course (DYHC)
Apply the QM Rubric and framework to your hybrid course in this workshop using face-to-face and online elements.Learn More
- Designing Your Online Course (DYOC)
Bring your online course to this workshop and get a framework for developing an online course plan. You'll use a framework and explore the QM Rubric to design one module for your online course.Learn More
- Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
Use the QM Rubric to review your own online or hybrid courses and develop a course improvement plan.Learn More
- Intro to UDL 3.0 for Online Courses
Empower your course design with UDL principles! This dynamic workshop equips you with essential tools to create barrier-free learning experiences. Transform your teaching approach and ensure every student has the power to succeed.Learn More
- New to Online Teaching Series
If you or your team have decided that now is the time to purposefully move forward, to provide quality online learning courses, this set of workshops will help lay the foundation of quality design. Get the support you need to succeed and set students — and your institution — up for success. Receive significant savings by scheduling the series as a package for your group.Learn More
- Preparing for Program Reviews
A self-paced workshop for program representatives who are preparing to be Program Liaisons.Learn More
- Relational Teaching and Learning
This self-paced workshop offers flexible access to strategies for building meaningful educator-student relationships through relational pedagogy, allowing participants to learn and apply concepts at their own pace.Learn More
- Summer Camp 2025 | AI-Powered Learning: From ABC to AI
July 28 - Aug 29, plus a virtual workshop Sept. 5 | Transform your teaching toolkit this summer and set the stage for a more engaging learning journey for your students.Learn More
- Synchronous Online Teaching
Explore best practices for synchronous online delivery during the Synchronous Online Teaching workshop. During the workshop, you will investigate ways to teach online effectively and discover how to incorporate proven practices into your courses to help both you and your students have a better online experience.Learn More
- Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery (TOL)
Explore basic components of online course delivery and learn how to cultivate student engagement.Learn More
- Transforming Curriculum with Generative AI
- Using Instructional Materials & Tech. to Promote Learner Engagement (Standards 4,5,6)
- Voice and Choice
This self-paced workshop offers flexible access to strategies for fostering learner agency, equitable grading, and personalized assessments, allowing educators to learn and reflect at their own pace.Learn More
- Active Learning: 3-2-1 Engage! (K-12 ALE)
Explore active learning strategies that encourage collaboration and promote critical and creative thinking skills in this workshop. Then, apply these strategies in your course design.Learn More
- AI Horizons Virtual Workshop
Synthesize insights from leveraging AI to assist with curriculum design, rubric creation and online discussions in this synchronous, virtual workshop.Learn More
- AI-Driven Discussions
- Applying the QM K-12 Rubric (K-12 APP)
Get an introduction to QM, learn how to use the QM K-12 Rubric and apply it to a real course.Learn More
- Designing AI Grading Rubrics
Learn to use AI to create rubrics for assessments and assignments that you can incorporate into your LMS.Learn More
- Developing an Online Community of Learners (DOCL)
Participants will master the techniques needed to create an engaging, supportive online learning community that fosters student success through active participation and meaningful interactions.Learn More
- Facilitating Meaningful Learner Engagement (FMLE)
Participants will develop skills to create personalized learning experiences that respond to individual student needs through data-informed instruction and strategic support.Learn More
- Flip the Switch: Motivate Learners with Course Tools and Tech (K-12 FSML)
Take some of the guesswork out of locating, sharing and evaluating course tools and technology to motivate and engage learners. This workshop provides a focused look at using technology in your courses.Learn More
- Growing Online with Precision Series
Develop online learning expertise with this set of asynchronous, one-week workshops. The series focuses on refining the skills that foster student engagement and leveraging instructional materials. Schools and districts can schedule one or more of these workshops with 10+ participants during a time that's convenient for faculty and staff. Discounts based on number of participants and workshops to be scheduled are available.Learn More
- Instructional Design to Facilitate Learning (IDFL)
Participants will learn to design effective online learning experiences that align objectives, activities, and assessments while promoting student agency and engagement.Learn More
- Instructional Materials: Investigating What Works (K-12 IMWW)
Breathe new life into your lessons as you ensure that content is in alignment with your curriculum during this workshop.Learn More
- Intro to Generative AI for K-12 Teachers
Ready to revolutionize your classroom and empower your students with cutting-edge technology? Join this immersive four-hour virtual (synchronous) workshop, "Intro to Generative AI for K-12 Teachers," and unlock the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in education.Learn More
- K-12 Designing Your Blended Course
Learn to apply the K-12 QM Specific Review Standards to a “module” in one of your blended courses and use the QM K-12 Rubric to design a blended course with face-to-face and online elements. Check the Professional Development Schedule for public sessions or contact us to schedule a full day session of this workshop for your group.Learn More
- K-12 F2F: Designing an Engaging and Active Learning Environment (K-12 DEALE)
Schedule a dedicated session of this workshop to be delivered on site (face-to-face) or virtually. Focus on locating and vetting instructional materials that align with course assessments and engage students.Learn More
- K-12 F2F: Improving Your Online Course (K-12 IYOC)
Schedule a dedicated session of this workshop to be delivered on site (face-to-face). Participants use the QM Rubric to review their courses and develop a course improvement plan.Learn More
- K-12 Introduction to Teaching Online (K-12 TOL)
Explore the basic components of online course delivery in this two week workshop. Check the Professional Development Schedule for public sessions or contact us to schedule a full day session of this workshop for your group.Learn More
- K-12 New To Online Teaching Series
If you or your team have decided that now is the time to purposefully move forward, to provide quality online learning courses, this set of workshops will help lay the foundation of quality design. Get the support you need to succeed and set students — and your institution — up for success. Receive significant savings by scheduling the series as a package for your group.Learn More
- K-12 NSQ-Aligned Teaching Online Certificate
Complete this set of self-paced workshops to align your teaching online skills with the NSQ Teaching Standards and receive a digital credential.Learn More
- K-12 Online Course Design (K-12 DYOC)
Create a framework for designing an online course plan based on the QM K-12 Rubric in this three week workshop. Check the Professional Development Schedule for public sessions or contact us to schedule a full day session of this workshop for your group.Learn More
- K-12 Rubric Update (Sixth Edition)
Learn how the Specific Review Standards from the Fifth Edition for K-12 and K-12 Publisher reviews are now applied consistently in the Sixth Edition for all K-12 courses.Learn More
- Modeling Responsible Online Presence (MROP)
Participants will learn to create and maintain a secure, ethical online learning environment that promotes responsible digital citizenship.Learn More
- Objectives and Alignment: The Framework for Student Success (K-12 OAFSS)
Focus on aligning learning objectives to the assessments you use in this workshop as you create or review courses.Learn More
- Summer Camp 2025 | AI-Powered Learning: From ABC to AI
July 28 - Aug 29, plus a virtual workshop Sept. 5 | Transform your teaching toolkit this summer and set the stage for a more engaging learning journey for your students.Learn More
- The Professional Online Teacher (TPOT)
Participants will develop the fundamental skills and mindset needed to become effective online educators who can manage their responsibilities while promoting digital citizenship.Learn More
- Transforming Curriculum with Generative AI
- Designing Quality Online Learning Research
Learn how to get started doing research on online learning in this active, applied three-week online workshop. Using QM and the QM Research Library as a point of reference, this workshop covers the steps necessary for developing a quality research study related to online learning.Learn More
- AI Horizons Virtual Workshop
Synthesize insights from leveraging AI to assist with curriculum design, rubric creation and online discussions in this synchronous, virtual workshop.Learn More
- AI-Driven Discussions
- Applying Universal Design for Learning
- Best Practices for Online Learning: A Roadmap to Quality (Webinar)
- Designing AI Grading Rubrics
Learn to use AI to create rubrics for assessments and assignments that you can incorporate into your LMS.Learn More
- Intro to UDL 3.0 for Online Courses
Empower your course design with UDL principles! This dynamic workshop equips you with essential tools to create barrier-free learning experiences. Transform your teaching approach and ensure every student has the power to succeed.Learn More
- Introduction to Quality Matters (INTRO2QM)
Learn what QM is and how it can help you deliver on your online promise. This two-week, facilitated workshop is ideal for those new to QM or considering a QM membership. Explore why QM is widely considered the gold standard in online quality assurance and how its implementation can support a culture of quality from many avenues.Learn More
- Leveraging Generative AI for Course Design
- Relational Teaching and Learning
This self-paced workshop offers flexible access to strategies for building meaningful educator-student relationships through relational pedagogy, allowing participants to learn and apply concepts at their own pace.Learn More
- Summer Camp 2025 | AI-Powered Learning: From ABC to AI
July 28 - Aug 29, plus a virtual workshop Sept. 5 | Transform your teaching toolkit this summer and set the stage for a more engaging learning journey for your students.Learn More
- Transforming Curriculum with Generative AI
- Voice and Choice
This self-paced workshop offers flexible access to strategies for fostering learner agency, equitable grading, and personalized assessments, allowing educators to learn and reflect at their own pace.Learn More
- Assessing Learning Remotely QM Live! Series
These four, 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with actionable tactics that can be used right away in a remote instructional situation. If your team is ready to move beyond pass/fail assessments or needs fresh ideas for matching assessments to course objectives, these sessions are for you. Institutions can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team.Learn More
- Fast Track to Remote Teaching and Learning QM Live! Series
These six, 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with concrete preparation for teaching online. If your team is moving to remote instruction or looking to form a more solid base to help learners succeed online, these sessions are for you. Institutions can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team.Learn More
- Instructional Materials for Online Teaching QM Live! Series
These five, 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with what they need to know when deciding what content will be used in an online course. If your team is ready to address the unique opportunities and challenges with instructional material from various perspectives, these sessions are for you. Institutions can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team.Learn More
- K-12 Assessing Learning Remotely QM Live! Series
These four 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with actionable tactics that can be used right away in a remote instructional situation. If your team is ready to move beyond pass/fail assessments or needs fresh ideas for matching assessments to course objectives, these sessions are for you. Institutions can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team. Volume discounts are available.Learn More
- K-12 Fast Track to Remote Teaching and Learning QM Live! Series
These six, 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with concrete preparation for teaching online. If your team is moving to remote instruction or looking to form a more solid base to help learners succeed online, these sessions are for you. Schools and districts can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team. Volume discounts are available.Learn More
- K-12 Get Active QM Live! Series
Learn More
This series of three web conferencing workshops focuses on strategies for increasing learner engagement by examining instructional materials, course content and types of interactions. The series is offered through a dedicated session for your group, school or district. To set up dedicated sessions for one or more of these workshops, please contact QM's Professional Development Registrar or complete the form on this page.
- K-12 Instructional Materials for Online Teaching QM Live! Series
These five, 2-hour synchronous online workshops provide faculty and staff with what they need to know when deciding what content will be used in an online course. If your team is ready to address the unique opportunities and challenges with instructional material from various perspectives, these sessions are for you. Schools and districts can schedule dedicated sessions for up to 20 participants for one or all sessions at a time that works for their team. Volume discounts are available.Learn More
- K-12 New Normal QM Live! Series
This special series of web conferencing workshops focuses on strategies for solidifying your base to deliver fully or partially online courses. Workshops in this series can be offered through a dedicated session for your group, school or district. To set up dedicated sessions for one or more of these workshops, please contact QM's Professional Development Registrar or complete the form on this page.Learn More
- Summer Camp 2025 | AI-Powered Learning: From ABC to AI
July 28 - Aug 29, plus a virtual workshop Sept. 5 | Transform your teaching toolkit this summer and set the stage for a more engaging learning journey for your students.Learn More