FREE for QM Members and non-members, QM-hosted Research webinars take place several times per year. Check the "Free Webinars" page for upcoming sessions. Curated session recordings from QM Research Conferences are also listed below. To view recorded sessions, select the webinar title for the description and select either "view recording" when shown or the linked session title.
Leveraging LMS Templates for Faculty Support and Enhanced Student Success
Presented: March 13, 2025
Presented by Kevin MacLeod, Learning Experience Architect, D2L and Bethany Simunich, Ph.D., Vice President, Innovation and Research, QM
Did you know that LMS templates can be a vital support tool for faculty, designers, and online students? In fact, research shows that templates embedded with quality practices and standards can positively influence everything from student retention and learning to faculty satisfaction and institutional ROI. Join this webinar to learn why LMS templates are crucial for online faculty support, an institutional resource for scaling quality online learning, and an important tool for online learner success. We’ll go over the results of a recent LMS template research project and leave you with DIY and ready-made options to create your own templates that align with institutional needs.
Presented: December 11, 2024
Presented by Bethany Simunich, Ph.D., Vice President, Innovation and Research at QM; Julie Uranis, Ph.D., Vice President, Online and Strategic Initiatives at UPCEA and Eric E. Fredericksen, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Online Learning and Professor at University of Rochester
Building on previous studies on online learning leadership as well as CHLOE Reports, this webinar will discuss new survey research on the position and practices of Chief Online Learning Officers at U.S. higher ed institutions. With feedback from more than 500 COLOs covering everything from institutional context and barriers in online learning, to personal demographics and professional development needs, the study provides insights into the COLO role and responsibilities, as well as previously established COLO competencies. In this webinar, the researchers will share key findings and takeaways for those in, or aspiring to, online leadership positions in postsecondary education.
CHLOE 9 – Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand
Presented: August 20, 2024
Presented by Bethany Simunich, PhD, Vice President of Innovation and Research, Quality Matters; Richard Garrett, Eduventures Chief Research Officer, Encoura; Eric Fredericksen, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Online Learning and Professor, University of Rochester; and Mark McCormack, Ph.D., Senior Director, Research & Insights, EDUCAUSE
Authors and research team members of the CHLOE 9 Report highlight results of the CHLOE 9 Survey. The ninth installment of the multi-year project surveyed senior online leaders on vital topics facing institutions today — from supporting faculty, staff, and students with quality online learning, to aligning institutional strategy with today’s increased demand for online options.
The CHLOE 9 Report was made possible by sponsors iDesign, Science Interactive and Archer Education.
2024 QM Research Online Conference
Presented February 16, 2024
Description: A number of experts from the QM community provided presentations on Active/Applied Research and Data on Online Learning and Quality Assurance.
The following presentation recordings are available on the QM YouTube channel:
- Quality and Promise: Insights into Enhanced Learning and Retention at The University of Akron, presented by Steve Kaufman, The University of Akron See Slides >>
- Research-Driven, Student-Informed: Shaping Quality Assurance in Online Education, presented by Michelle Vonie and Samantha Maxwell, University of Arizona See Slides/Handout >>
The WHOLE Experience Framework, presented by Morris Thomas, Howard University See Slides >>
View presentation descriptions, slides and handouts for all presentations in the Conference Presentations section of the QM website.
D2L and QM: Integrating Quality from the Start
Presented: January 24, 2024
Presented by Dr. Cristi Ford, Ph.D., Vice President, Academic Affairs, D2L and Bethany Simunich, Ph.D., Vice President, Innovation and Research, QM
Did you know that LMS templates can be a vital support tool for faculty, designers, and online students? In fact, research shows that templates embedded with quality practices and standards can positively influence everything from student retention and learning to faculty satisfaction and institutional ROI. Join this webinar for an overview of the “what, why, and how” of LMS templates. Tackle some of the most common template myths and receive an invitation to join the free D2L Master Class, developed in partnership with QM. Plus, hear about an exciting wrap-around research project!
CHLOE 8: Student Demand Moves Higher Ed Toward a Multi-Modal Future
Presented: August 29, 2023
Presented by Richard Garrett, Eduventures Chief Research Officer, Encoura; Bethany Simunich, PhD, Vice President of Innovation and Research, Quality Matters; Eric Fredericksen, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Online Learning and Professor, University of Rochester; and Ron Legon, Ph.D., Executive Director Emeritus, Quality Matters
This QM Research Webinar featured QM and Eduventures presenting results from the eighth CHLOE report, based on findings from the CHLOE 8 Survey of higher education chief online learning officers. The survey investigated how institutions are strategizing to meet student demand for multi-modal learning.
Guide to Digital Accessibility
Presented: May 18, 2023
Presented by Dr. Rae Mancilla, Ed.D., Assistant Director of Online Learning for the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at University of Pittsburgh, and Dr. Barbara A. Frey, D.Ed., Assistant Professor, School of Education at Point Park University
This research webinar features takeaways from chapters in the new book, Guide to Digital Accessibility: Policies, Practices, and Professional Development. This book was co-edited by Rae Mancilla and Barbara Frey and written by members of the QM Community and is composed of examples of successful implementation of digital accessibility at a variety of QM member post-secondary institutions. Participants will come away with ideas and strategies to make online learning more accessible at their own institutions.
2023 QM Research Online Conference
Presented: February 16, 2023
Description: A number of experts from the QM community provided presentations on Active/Applied Research on Online Learning and Quality Assurance.
The following presentation recordings are available on the QM YouTube channel:
The Impact of Quality Matters Professional Development on Teaching Across Delivery Formats, Presented by Rae Mancilla, Assistant Director of Online Learning at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh
Student Perceptions of the Impact of QM-Certified Online Courses on Their Learning ands Engagement, Presented by Ayesha Sadaf, Associate Professor, Learning Design and Technology at the University of North Carolina Charlotte
The Faculty QM Chat: Making a Data-Driven Case for Quality Matters, Presented by Michelle Vonie, Instructional Designer, and Nicole Schmidt, Assistant Director, Research, Innovation and Quality Assurance from University of Arizona
View presentation descriptions, slides and handouts for all presentations in the Conference Presentations section of the QM website.
CHLOE 7: Tracking Online Learning from Mainstream Acceptance to Universal Adoption
Presented: August 16, 2022
Presented by Richard Garrett, Eduventures Chief Research Officer, Encoura, and Bethany Simunich, PhD, Director of Research and Innovation, Quality Matters
QM and Eduventures present report findings for the seventh release of CHLOE after surveying higher education chief online learning officers. The survey investigated how institutions are supporting students, faculty, and staff to provide online learning now and in the future — at a time when chief online officers project that nearly all their students will be participating in at least some online learning.
Course Design Considerations for Inclusion and Representation
Presented: May 10, 2022
North Carolina Central University’s team of Quality Matters champions deliver an engaging and insightful exploration of easy-to-implement strategies for creating inclusive online courses. Dr. Racheal Brooks and Dr. Siobahn Day Grady offer techniques for uncovering existing disparities faced by online learners, exploring evidence-based best practices for equitable e-learning environments, and reimagining inclusive experiences for all learners.
This webinar also spotlights QM research and initiatives that are centered around inclusive, representative, and emancipatory online course design practices — including the white paper on this topic authored by the presenters.
Presented by Dr. Racheal Brooks and Dr. Siobahn Day Grady, North Carolina Central University
2022 QM Research Online Conference
Presented: February 17, 2022
Description: A number of experts from the QM community provided presentations on Active/Applied Research on Online Learning and Quality Assurance.
The following presentation recordings are available on the QM YouTube channel:
Inclusive Pedagogy Online: Faculty Development and Effective Strategies, presented by Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez, Katherine McAlvadge, Deanna Lloyd, and Jenny Meyers from Oregon State University Ecampus
Beyond Assumptions: Putting Research into Practice to Document Quality Learning Experiences, Presented by Andria Schwegler from Texas A&M University Central Texas
Online Course Design: Focus on Structure and Interface, presented by Penny Ralston-Berg from Penn State and Heather Braatz from Worsham College of Mortuary Science
View presentation descriptions, slides and handouts for all nine presentations in the Conference Presentations section of the QM website.
QM Research Roundup: Surveys, Supports, and Synergy
Presented: September 16, 2021
Dr. Bethany Simunich provides an overview of what QM Research & Innovation does and why we do it, and also presents detailed results from two 2021 surveys of QM Coordinators regarding institutional implementation of the QM framework and how institutions use and flex framework tools and resources. Hear about QM-focused research in 2021, see key highlights from reports and the research website, and learn about upcoming events, as well as our publicly-available resources, such as the Research Online Toolkit and Research Library database.
Presented by Bethany Simunich, Director of Research and Innovation, Quality Matters
CHLOE 6: Online Learning Leaders Adapt for a Post-Pandemic World
Presented: June 22, 2021
Presenters provided an overview of the results of the CHLOE 6 Survey of Chief Online Learning Officers — the sixth installment of the CHLOE Survey Project. The survey investigated how institutions responded to the Covid-19 pandemic in the 2020-2021 academic year and how the pandemic impacted their plans for the future.
Presented by Bethany Simunich, Director of Research and Innovation, Quality Matters and Richard Garrett, Eduventures Chief Research Officer at ACT|NRCCUA
Professional Development for Digital Accessibility: A Needs Assessment
Presented: May 26, 2021
The authors of the QM Digital Accessibility Policy white paper series will discuss the digital accessibility professional development needs reported by QM institutions, as well as the potential formats and delivery mechanism for such training.
Presented by Barbara Frey, D.Ed., Assistant Professor, School of Education, Point Park University; and Rae Mancilla, Ed.D., Senior Instructional Designer, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Office of Online Learning, University of Pittsburg
2021 QM Research Online Conference
Presented: February 9, 2021
Description: A number of experts from the QM community provided presentations on Active/Applied Research on Online Learning and Quality Assurance.
Developing a Framework for Quality Online Course Videos: What Does the Research Say?, presented by Steven Crawford
Student Perspective 2.0: Where Do We Go from Here?, Penny Ralston-Berg
Enhancing Accessibility of Online Courses: Course Development Practices and Tools, presented by Barbara Frey & Rae Mancilla
Reconstructing the Table: Designing Culturally Affirming Online Learning Communities at an HBCU Through Quality Matters, presented by Racheal Brooks, Zakaria Jouaibi, Laurell Malone, Gail Hollowell & Larrisha McGill-Youngblood
Implementing High Impact Practices on Campus and Online: Research, Resources, and Requests, presented by Andria Schwegler
Building Momentum for QM Implementation at Your Institution - Tips for Transitioning, presented by Barbara Altman
Improving Course Design Quality Through Online Graduate Student Evaluations, presented by Amy Grincewicz & Cathy DuBois
Using Data for Our Continuous Improvement and Yours, presented by Bethany Simunich & James Lani
K-12 Teachers & Professional Development Needs: What the Research Uncovered, Christine Voelker & Deborah Anne Banker
Digital Accessibility: Benchmarking QM Institutional Policies and Practices in 2020
Presented: June 9, 2020
Awareness of digital accessibility in higher education has increased in the past decade and become a priority for institutions offering online courses. In November of 2019, over 200 QM coordinators completed a benchmarking survey that reported on the policies, practices, tools, and professional development needs of their institutions regarding digital accessibility. This webinar presents the preliminary findings of this study, touching on roles and responsibility for ensuring compliance, captioning practices, budgeting, and future training opportunities.
Presented by Barbara Frey, D.Ed., Assistant Professor, School of Education, Point Park University; and Rae Mancilla, Ed.D., Senior Instructional Designer, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Office of Online Learning, University of Pittsburg
Presented: April 14, 2020
Key findings from the fourth installment of the CHLOE survey were presented. The CHLOE project — a joint undertaking by Quality Matters and Eduventures — has been taking the pulse of higher education leaders on a national scale since its inception in 2016. The latest report reveals the impact of the mainstreaming of online learning on dedicated support services and online course and program development arrangements. Other issues covered in the report include enrollment trends in an increasingly crowded market, the approach to online education by research universities and state flagships, and top priorities for Chief Online Officers over the next five years.
Presented by Ronald Legon, Executive Director Emeritus, Quality Matters; and Richard Garrett, Chief Research Officer, Eduventures Research
The Tip of the Iceberg: Moving Beyond Superficial Data to Uncover Issues
Presented: February 13, 2020
Dr. Simunich joined QM in January in a newly-created position with intentions to accelerate and advance the current contributions of QM’s research team and volunteer community. In this webinar, she talks about ways to move beyond existing institutional data and common research questions to more fully explore the complex situations and stories underneath quality assurance efforts. Get answers to questions about QM research in this special opportunity to meet this published researcher with over 15 years of experience in eLearning research, instructional design, and online pedagogy.
Presented by Dr. Bethany Simunich, QM Director of Research & Innovation
2019 QM Research Online Conference
Presented: November 15, 2019
Description: Seven sessions from seven organizations on the general topic of research in online learning.
NSSE-QM Data on the Online Student Experience, presented by Shimon Sarraf
California State University – East Bay: Data and Analysis on QM Impact to Students’ Learning, presented by Dr. Roger Wen, Sr.
Designing for Change: Using the Community of Inquiry and Transformative Learning to Create Authentic Learning Experiences, presented by Dr. Patrick Dempsey
Using Learning Analytics: The Benefits and Pitfalls, presented by Dr. Karen Swan
Disseminating Research on Online Education: Best Practices, presented by Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto
Practical Methods for Designing Research Studies and Analyzing Data in Educational Settings, presented by Dr. Whitney Zimmerman
Online Instructor Competencies, Motivations, Attitudes, and Values: What the Research Literature Tells Us, presented by Dr. Kay Shattuck and Dr. Will Diehl
The Online Student Experience: Results from a NSSE-QM Collaboration
Presented: May 15, 2019
Description: A presentation of the findings from a test set of questions on the student experience with online courses. The questions were administered along with the core NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) in 2018 by 21 colleges and universities. Nearly 6,000 students from a variety of institutions participated, responding to questions about their experiences with course structure and engagement. To what extent are their experiences aligned with the QM Rubric? For example, how easy was it to locate course information and activities within the course? Where is there room for improvement? View this recording to find out.
Presented by Shimon Sarraf, Assistant Director for Survey Operations & Project Services
Presented: April 11, 2019
Description: A presentation of key findings from the third CHLOE survey. Topics included significant enrollment trends, the typical structure of online courses, widespread institutional governance practices for online programs, and analysis of online quality assurance as a process. In addition, the session introduced five distinct models for offering online education at post-secondary institutions in the United States. These models may provide a useful perspective for institutions, helping them to identify their place in the spectrum of current online learning approaches and inform their planning and development processes.
Presented by Ronald Legon, Executive Director Emeritus, Quality Matters; and Richard Garrett, Chief Research Officer, Eduventures Research
The Report Reader Checklist — A Research Resource
Presented: February 15, 2019
Description: As the online education community continues to grow, academic research on best practices, course design and delivery, and factors that impact learning is also expanding. But how do you determine that what you’re reading is any good? Or useful? If you’ve ever wondered about the quality of a report, or wished you had a simple tool to help you evaluate the research you’re reading, you'll want to view this presentation.
Presented by Katie Linder, Director; and Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, Assistant Director, Ecampus Research Unit, Oregon State University
CHLOE 3: Highlights of the Third QM-Eduventures Changing Landscape of Online Education Survey
Presented: November 27, 2018
Description: Entering CHLOE's third year, participation in the Survey has grown to 280 Chief Online Officers. The focus has moved beyond earlier foundational questions about online learning to explore a limited series of issues more fully. Among others, these issues include shared governance, development of the Chief Online Officer role, quality assurance processes, how Chief Online Officers measure student engagement, the blended learning paradox, and contrasting institutional models in the online learning landscape. Where does your institution fit?
Presented by Richard Garrett, Chief Research Officer, Eduventures, and Dr. Ron Legon, Executive Director Emeritus, Quality Matters
Presented: July 31, 2018
Description: The Sixth Edition of the QM Higher Education Rubric represents, in a very real sense, a fundamental outcome of the ongoing design-based research project at the core of Quality Matters. The work of the vast QM community, in putting educational theory and research into widely contextualized application, is at the heart of the validation process for QM’s quality Standards and tools. This webinar provided an overview of the research conducted to assist with the Rubric update. It included a presentation of the Rubric update process, the research included, the literature review process, and explanations of other important data collection and analysis.
Presented by QM Staff, Research Colleagues, and Guest Experts, including Brenda Boyd, Barbra Burch, Dr. Yaping Gao, Wade Lee, Dr. Kay Shattuck, Dr. Bethany Simunich, and Dr. Whitney Zimmerman
CHLOE 2 Report Tour: Second QM-Eduventures Changing Landscape of Online Education Survey
Presented: April 26, 2018
Description: Join QM Executive Director Emeritus, Ron Legon, and Chief Research Officer at Eduventures, Richard Garrett, for a tour of the results from the second Changing Landscape of Online Learning (CHLOE) survey of Chief Online Officers (sponsored by iDesign and ExtensionEngine). The presentation will provide insights gleaned from the data on a range of issues that affect online learning, including the reasons for — and motivations behind — policy and strategy decisions for advancing online learning.
The full report of the survey, CHLOE 2: A Deeper Dive, is available for download and contains relevant, informative and actionable information for stakeholders of online learning. It is part of a multi-year study that began with the release of the first CHLOE report in the spring of 2017, which was downloaded by over 2,500 readers.
QM — Now what? Faculty perceptions of Instructional Design and QM Standards
Presented: February 15, 2018
Description: Even experienced online instructors may be overwhelmed, wondering what they should do after their first Quality Matters Professional Development course (e.g., the APPQMR). Researchers Yingjie Liu, Instructional Designer, San Jose State University and Patrick Dempsey, Lead Instructional Teaching Specialist, The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, provide an an overview of the challenges of — and best practices for — scaffolding professional development to optimize the use of QM. Instructors within the California State University System who had completed one or more QM courses were the participants for this study. You will gain insights about their QM Professional Development experience, their preparedness after it, the challenges of implementing QM into their courses, their valuation of QM Standards, and the kinds and forms of instructional design support they want.
Instructional Designers’ Confidence Levels in and Barriers to Research Design and Methodology
Presented: December 7, 2017
Description: Join researchers Dr. Katie Linder, Director, and Dr. Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, Assistant Director, from the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit for an overview of the results from their study of how instructional designers are engaging with, learning about and receiving training in research. QM is hosting one of several webinars connected with the study — Research Preparation and Engagement of Instructional Designers in U.S. Higher Education: Results from a national study.