Certifying online learning quality shows you care about learners, educators and metrics.

Why Review?

QM has several review tools available for members that can scale to your quality assurance goals. Official Course Reviews can culminate in a course being QM Certified when it meets Standards at an 85% level. The data obtained from course reviews can ultimately inform the review and certification of quality for entire programs. These certifications demonstrate your commitment, not only to creating an environment of excellence and quality, but of maintaining that commitment.

  • Learners know they will receive a course with clear expectations and guidance, content that is purposeful and activities that are engaging.
  • Parents know their children will have a better chance of success because grading standards and learning assessments will be consistent with content and course activities.
  • Faculty and staff know they will be supported by peer feedback in an open and collegial process in their quest to provide the best learning experience possible.
  • Organizations can demonstrate they offer quality-assured courses and programs supported by best practices, rigorous review and research.

Reviews Provide Benchmarks

At their base, QM Reviews serve to determine how your courses and programs stack up against our rigorous rubrics to measure quality. But more than that, they offer a basis for comparison for courses from differing sources. A way to demonstrate that your offerings stack up against the competition and compare favorably to the expectations of learners, peers, stakeholders.

Reviews Chart a Path for Improvement

Once your courses or programs have been benchmarked, a clear path for improvement is set. From small to large, specific areas are targeted for improvement, as each review culminates with a final report full of measurable feedback.

Reviews Lead to Certifications or Recognition — Proof that You Take Quality Seriously

Quality, especially as it pertains to educational courses and programs, can be a nebulous word. But with Quality Matters Certification, learners, parents, and stakeholders can be confident that you not only take the quality of your courses and programs seriously, but that you meet nationally and internationally recognized standards. For you, Quality is more than just a claim, it’s a commitment. And the QM Certification mark proves it.


QM for Course Design

When you see the QM Course Certification Mark — in course catalogs, on websites and in learning management systems — it means that a course successfully met QM Rubric Standards for Course Design in an Official Course Review.


QM for Programs

Organizations with mature online Higher Education Programs with a demonstrated commitment to quality assurance in online learning can participate in QM Program Reviews for four different certifications.