Raising questions. Pursuing answers. Curating and categorizing. That’s how we support QM quality assurance.
A founding principle that continues to drive Quality Matters is the need for QM Standards to reflect current academic research on effective learning. The initial standards and subsequent modifications have been based on the insights of teams of experienced online instructors and instructional designers and on the best practices standards promulgated by accrediting bodies and national and international organizations. In addition, the QM Standards have been examined for consistency with the conclusions of the educational research literature regarding factors that increase learning and engagement and that improve learner retention rates.
QM's Department of Innovation & Research is focused on curating and supporting research studies related to the impact and use of the Quality Matters model. Literature reviews to inform members of the Rubric Committees in their effort to assure that the Rubrics remain current with the research are also an important component of QM Innovation & Research activities. If you are looking for guidance on conducting QM-focused research or finding studies to support the use of QM, we recommend starting with the resources listed in this section.
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Have an idea for a Research Webinar? Contact the Innovation & Research team.
Research Webinars
Check back soon to see details for the next webinar.
Recordings from recent presentations:
- Leveraging LMS Templates for Faculty Support and Enhanced Student Success
- The Role of Chief Online Learning Officers: The profile, perspectives, and competencies of today’s senior online leaders
- CHLOE 9 – Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand
- Curated sessions from the 2024 Online Research Conference
- D2L and QM: Integrating Quality from the Start
- Course Design Considerations for Inclusion and Representation
- Inclusive Pedagogy Online: Faculty Development and Effective Strategies
- Beyond Assumptions: Putting Research into Practice to Document Quality Learning Experiences
- Online Course Design: Focus on Structure and Interface