Higher Ed Teaching Online Certificate

QM-TOC-web-icon.pngThe QM Teaching Online Certificate enables instructors to demonstrate their knowledge mastery of online teaching. The seven workshops that make up the Teaching Online Certificate include competencies aligned with QM’s Online Instructor Skill Set. Instructors who take the series are provided with the background knowledge needed for teaching online. The workshops will provide both current and potential online instructors with the experience of learning online from the student's perspective.

Instructors will receive a QM Digital Credential upon successful completion of each workshop that is tied to evidence that supports their mastery of each teaching competency. Earning all seven QM Digital Credentials earns instructors the Teaching Online Certificate*. Show proof of your online instruction knowledge with QM’s Digital Credentials. All workshops begin and end on Wednesdays. The sessions listed below are shown in the recommended order, however, workshops may be taken in any order and in any modality. We recommend that you avoid registering for workshops that begin on the same date.

If your organization is part of a Full or System subscription, your membership includes the option to purchase a license to deliver all seven of the TOC workshops.

Fee with Membership
$1210.00 (Register for all 7, save 10% = $1089.00)
$1815.00 (Register for all 7, save 10% = $1634.00)
Additional Information
Workshop NameOnline DurationVirtual** DurationFee/Member Fee
Gauging Your Technology SkillsOne weekOne week$165/$110
Evaluating Your Course DesignTwo weeksOne week$330/$220
Exploring Your Institution's PoliciesTwo weeksOne week$330/$220
Orienting Your Online LearnersOne weekOne week$165/$110
Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching StrategiesTwo weeksOne week$330/$220
Creating Presence in Your Online CourseTwo weeksOne week$330/$220
Assessing Your Learners One weekOne week$165/$110
Total11 weeks7 weeks$1,815/$1,210

* After completion of the seventh workshop, the Teaching Online Certificate and digital credential will be issued within 48 hours.

** Virtual versions of the workshops include an online asynchronous component that must be completed in addition to participation in the virtual synchronous session.


Teaching Online Certificate holders can receive credit toward select degree programs at: