Learn how to create 360-degree “virtual field trip” videos, leveraging the transportive potential of virtual reality to create immersive, active learning experiences for online learners.
Accessibility is one of the most important elements in quality online education. Looking for ways to get started or get better with accessibility? Learn more about the Guide to Digital Accessibility, the book that provides a roadmap for policies, practices and professional development to help you ensure that your courses are working for all of the learners you serve.
Video might be the perfect medium for demonstrating a process in your course content. In this article, Dr. Steven Crawford explores a host of styles for creating and presenting video demonstrations, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and effectiveness of each.
Looking to create social presence in your course? Incorporating single presenter videos — where instructors record themselves delivering course content — can be instrumental for establishing interpersonal connection. But how long should they be? Can you make them yourself? Learn about the research and best practices from Dr. Steven Crawford.
Video can be a powerful tool to use in your course but don’t overlook the use of audio-only elements. In this article, Dr. Steven Crawford explains that there are times when audio-only presentations are more effective than video, especially when done right.
This list of resources was shared during a joint webinar with CourseArc and Quality Matters titled "Principles and Best Practices for Using Visuals in Course Design". The list of resources includes websites for sourcing fee-based and open-access images. It also includes links to resources for music, accessibility tools and other design resources.
There are several types of multimedia presentations you can use in your course, including voiceover slide presentations. Dr. Steven Crawford describes when this type of presentation is most effective and provides tips and best practices for creating them.
Captioning videos and other multimedia course content isn’t just about meeting the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students. It is about supporting the needs of all learners. Maximize the impact of captions in your course with these critical insights and tips from Dr. Steven Crawford.
The QM Bridge to Quality Course Design Guides for higher education and K-12 were updated to include considerations for culturally responsive course design. The additions — informed and guided by a team of experts from the QM community — help educators create courses that respect and value the lived experiences of their students.
Screencasting — in which video of a computer screen and voiceover are combined — is a versatile tool that can help connect students with course content. In this article, Dr. Steven Crawford walks through getting started along with best practices for designing and using screencasts.