Why Quality Matters

A first-person article by Dr. Bethany Simunich, QM's Director of Research and Innovation, about her experience with adapting a face-to-face course to the online modality. She shares how her assumptions were challenged and how she came to see the value of applying quality assurance processes to her course design practice.

2021 CHLOE 6 Report

See the results from the sixth survey conducted by QM and Eduventures as part of The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) project. The report sheds new light on the future of online learning, while providing important insight into how colleges and universities responded to the COVID-19 pandemic as it evolved throughout 2020.

Captions Help ALL Learners

Captioning videos and other multimedia course content isn’t just about meeting the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students. It is about supporting the needs of all learners. Maximize the impact of captions in your course with these critical insights and tips from Dr. Steven Crawford.