2022 CHLOE 7 Report

The seventh installment of the Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) report, produced by Quality MattersTM and Eduventures®, offers an overview of the current state of online learning in higher education as well as insights into its future development.

Quality Digital Education in 2022: Intentional Design Matters

As important as course design is, it is not enough to ensure a quality learning experience for all students. In her 2022 message, QM Executive Director Dr. Deb Adair conveys that today’s design challenge is to value, curate, connect, and contextualize student learning experiences, including the prior learning they bring with them, to meet current and emerging student needs.

Finding Visuals for Course Design

This list of resources was shared during a joint webinar with CourseArc and Quality Matters titled "Principles and Best Practices for Using Visuals in Course Design". The list of resources includes websites for sourcing fee-based and open-access images. It also includes links to resources for music, accessibility tools and other design resources.