Conference Presentations

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Using Data to Align Program Offerings to Workforce Needs

In this session, participants will learn about how the Maricopa Community Colleges have evolved their program viability processes to ensure the curriculum developed meets the needs of the diverse students and communities served by our institutions. We will discuss how the Maricopa Community Colleges established and leveraged these processes to design and develop relevant curriculum that supports the diverse students and communities our institutions serve.

Using DropThought to Aid Your QM Course Redesign

Next-Generation Technology Impacts on Quality in Online Learning Using DropThought to Aid Your QM Course Redesign Virginia Stewart, Doctoral Student, University of Florida - College of Education Virginia is a Higher Education administrator specializing in Information Systems and Technologies. She has successfully championed projects for Online Learning, WI-FI, VoIP, Surveillance & Cybersecurity, Enterprise Applications Transformation, and Online Learning Programs.

Using Effective Assessment Protocols to Maximize Learner Experience (Fulfilling QM Standards 3.4 and 3.5)

QM standards 3.4 (The assessment instruments selected are sequenced, varied, and suited to the learner work being assessed) and 3.5 (The course provides learners with multiple opportunities to track their learning progress) are not required standards to pass a QM review but these standards have a direct impact on authentic learning and student achievement through the correct implementation of assessments. Meeting standards 3.4 and 3.5 will greatly impact the power to establish authentic learning and create better opportunities for measurable online learning.

Using Face-to-Face Strategies for Active Learner Engagement in Online and Hybrid Courses

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to get the full experience as we demonstrate active learning technologies such as Perusall for active reading and collective annotations or Learning Catalytics for peer learning. See successful examples of how these traditionally F2F tools were implemented in online and hybrid classes.

Using QM Alignment to Insure Online Groupwork Success

Collaborative activities and group work are encouraged for online classes by many authors. Having students work together has long been recognized as a valuable teaching tool. Research shows that those instructors who have had success using collaborative learning have utilized similar steps. This session will explore the steps proposed and used by successful online instructors. The discussion will determine the different ways the steps can be expressed in online instructional design and which QM Standards best apply.

Using QM as a Framework for Designing Professional Development and Blended Courses

In this session, we examine the application of Quality Matters as a framework for designing professional development for high school faculty and blended courses for high school students.  We explore pedagogy and practice and the importance of professional development for faculty who are transitioning a face-to-face course to a blended model.  We share results and testimonials from a year-long professional development program to assist faculty with:

Using QM for Implementing Standardized Course Templates and Peer Review

Cal State Online is a new initiative that provides centralized support to deliver fully online programs for the California State University system.  This presentation will describe two different models for setting up Quality Assurance with two campuses. A customized model of the QM rubric was used to develop a course template using QM standards.  Presenters will share samples of how a course template can be provided for instructors that incorporates the rubric and can provide some level of consistent navigation across programs.

Using QM to Further Encourage Ownership through IU Online Student Onboarding

These slides will guide our "Conversation that Matters" on an online student orientation "Onboarding" resource. It presents a series of excerpts from our canvas site which introduces, newly admitted, online students to the world of online education at Indiana University. This is our second release of this university-wide online tool in which it has relevant Quality Matters Standards built-in, to help further prepare the students for the likely experiences they will encounter in an online educational environment.  

Using QM to strategically build an online program from scratch

A professor and a consultant share their experiences of how several small, private colleges are using QM to build an online program from scratch—not only utilizing QM as a tool for evaluating online courses but as the framework to strategically plan the transition of courses from traditional on-ground to online.  Their process involves “The Four I’s”:  Infrastructure (technology capacity, talent and tools), Initiative (purpose), Implementation (faculty development, owner support) and Instruction (consistent, deliverable course material).

Using Qualitative Findings on Impact of QM Training to Guide Professional Development

This presentation will review how we used findings from a qualitative study on perspectives of faculty and students in courses changed from QM training to guide future training. We will discuss the 22 participant study including data collection and analysis. A theme that emerged showed that both students and faculty found improvement in organization, instructions, and engagement in the courses changed by QM training.