Conference Presentations

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Two Studies Reveal Impact of QM Across Delivery Formats

Two studies provide evidence of the impact of participating in QM Peer Reviews and QM Professional Development. Data analysis of the QM review exit survey highlights who is making change, not only on their online, but also  face-to-face courses.   A study done by researchers at The University of Pittsburgh explored the impact of QM PD workshops and courses on faculty's pedagogical practices in online, face-to-face, and blended instructional modes. Both studies point to participating in QM PD impacts teaching across delivery formats.

UDL and You: Student Voice, Choice, and Empowerment with Active Learning Projects

Want an interactive, accessible, and equitable way to engage your learners? Try UDL projects! We’ll share multiple ways that learners can demonstrate mastery of concepts with project-based learning. We’ll show examples of UDL projects and feedback from students on how they were better able to integrate the concepts by creating meaning and producing artifacts. No matter the length or subject matter of your class, you can apply UDL to provide opportunities for deep, transformative learning.

UDL and You: Student Voice, Choice, and Empowerment with Active Learning Projects


Want an interactive, accessible, and equitable way to engage your learners? Try UDL projects! We’ll share multiple ways that learners can demonstrate mastery of concepts with project-based learning. We’ll show examples of UDL projects and feedback from students on how they were better able to integrate the concepts by creating meaning and producing artifacts. No matter the length or subject matter of your class, you can apply UDL to provide opportunities for deep, transformative learning. 

Unlock Your Online Teaching Potential: A Panel Discussion on QM's Teaching Online Certificate

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, online education has become an integral part of the learning experience. As more institutions embrace online classrooms, ensuring quality and maintaining high standards is paramount. Join our panel of esteemed experts as they delve into the world of online teaching certification and share invaluable insights on best practices.

Unlocking the QMC Role: Keys for Greater Impact

Are you the Quality Matters Coordinator (QMC) on the review team, but unsure about the true scope and impact of your role? Unlock the essence of being a QMC! Join our 11-year experienced QMC to learn how to excel in this vital role and amplify your impact. Find the keys to becoming a Certified Review Manager (CRM) and to enhancing the review process. Ideal for QMCs and those curious about review dynamics. Get inspired to unlock your potential as a QMC and excel in your role!

Use of Quality Matters in the Faculty Mentor-Mentee Relationship

This session will provide an exemplar for those interested in faculty mentoring of novice online educators using QM as the guiding framework.  The QM Higher Education Rubric was used by a seasoned online educator to assist in the development and training of new full-time, tenure-track and adjunct faculty members in the online course development process.  Co-authors include the mentor and one of the mentees in this process, in order to provide ample discussion from both perspectives during the round table session.  This session is particularly appropriate for those who are fac

Use QM CPE Rubric to Guide the Design of a MOOC Developmental Course

Our institution is a large, multi-campus college with 5-years experience implementing QM, many QM certified courses, and a template-based process for developing credit courses that meet QM standards. Now, we are facing the challenge of implementing some of the most recent trends in American distance education such as MOOCs and Competency-based Education. Can the QM Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) Rubric be used to guide the design and development of a non-credit MOOC developmental course?

Using AI to Generate Engaging Course Content

This session for educators and instructional designers unveils key strategies for creating compelling online course content, focusing on storytelling, multimedia integration, and the application of learning theories. Discover how to leverage Custom GPT for personalized learning scenarios and image AI tools for captivating visuals. Attendees will gain practical insights into enhancing learner engagement in their online courses.