Conference Presentations

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QM enhancing quality of professional capacity building in Latin America

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has become a leading source of financing of social and economical development in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. One special activity of the bank is its support to social and economic development in LAC through distance learning. The IDB has become a leader in professional development in LAC, capitalizing on the knowledge and experience of the Bank in the region.

QM for MOOCs: Results of QM Reviews of Gates Foundation-Funded MOOCs

Over the spring and summer of 2013, QM conducted reviews of 14 basic college and pre-college (developmental) MOOCs funded by the Gates Foundation. This session will provide an analysis of the outcomes and discuss the implications. As these are the first reviews QM has conducted on MOOCs, they offer the first insight on  whether such MOOCs can meet quality design standards, incorporate proven methods of effective online instruction, and be effective for different learners. 

QM For Students

QM for Students enables you to integrate QM into your curriculum. Hear how your students can benefit from discounted subscriptions as part of the QM for Students program and how faculty can attain the new role of QM Coach.

QM International Initiatives & iQM Association

Come join Dr Deb Adair, QM's Executive Director, and Dr Yaping Gao, QM's Senior Academic Director of Programs and Services, to learn what initiatives QM has been involved with on the international front, and to share ideas on how QM can expand its impact and influence in non-English speaking regions. This session will also serve as the inauguration meeting for the iQM Association, a group of QM advocates with foreign language proficiency and cultural awareness. For those interested and qualified, it's not too late to join the iQM Association.

QM Launches a Continuing and Professional Education Rubric in Collaboration with UPCEA

The new QM Continuing and Professional Education Rubric, developed in collaboration with the University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), sets design standards for online and blended, non-credit, continuing and professional education courses, including MOOCs. This session will describe the development process, identify differences between the CPE Rubric and the QM Higher Ed Rubric, discuss the major categories of online and blended courses for which it is intended and report the experience of early adopters.

QM Overview

This presentation is designed for faculty, staff, and administrators relatively new to QM. A quick introduction of QM, how it works, what's in it for institutions, and how QM can support efforts to help students succeed.

QM Overview

This 50-minute session is designed for faculty, staff, and administrators relatively new to QM. Come join Dr Yaping Gao, QM's Senior Academic Director of Programs and Services, and Brenda Boyd, Director of Professional Development, for a quick introduction of QM, how it works, what's in it for institutions, and how QM can support efforts to help students succeed.

QM Self Reviews: You Review, I Review, We All Review!

In this session, you will learn how our institution utilizes the QM Self-Review tool option in preparation for QM-managed reviews.  The Online Course Development Program (OCDP) encourages and accelerates the development of quality online programs that align with our university's strategic priorities. The OCDP is offered three times a year and faculty participate as a cohort. Each cohort will work in the semester prior and develop online courses for the following semester. The estimated time commitment for the OCDP is roughly 60 hours a semester.

QM Standard 3 (K-12): Coach Meta-Cognition in Highly Interactive Asynchronous Discussion Boards

Join two instructional designers from different states in a conversation about how to coach learners of all ages on the use of age-appropriate meta-cognition in highly interactive asynchronous discussion boards. Innovative "best practices" will be sought and incorporated into the conversation to facilitate real-time dialogue.

QM Standards:Student Feedback on Course Design

The purpose of this research was to assess large online course design based on the QM Higher Education Rubric Standards from a student perspective. Students were surveyed based on the Specific Standards within the Rubric. Students were asked to provide feedback on the Specific Standards by rating whether the Standard was not met, was met, or exceeded all expectations. The goal was to improve the course design and teaching within the course.

QM Statewide Systems Talk Data: Inputs, Outputs, and Outcomes


Brett Christie & Ashley Skylar (California State University System); Elizabeth McMahon (Minnesota Online Quality Initiative);  Steve Kaufman, University of Akron & Bethany Simunich, Kent State (The Ohio QM Consortium)

Facilitator:  Kay Shattuck, Quality Matters 

Via short presentations from three statewide systems:

•Identify similarities and differences among systems that might influence inputs, outputs, and outcomes

QM Statewide Systems Talk Data: Inputs, Outputs, and Outcomes

Data on QM implementation: statewide systems have a lot of it. See how data needs are determined by their desired outcomes, what is collected and tracked - and how. Leave with plans for your own system's meaningful data collection.

Presenters:  Brett Christie & Ashley Skylar (California State University System);  Elizabeth McMahon (Minnesota Online Quality Initiative);  Steve Kaufman, University of Akron & Bethany Simunich, Kent State (The Ohio QM Consortium);  Facilitator: Kay Shattuck, Quality Matters