How can the official QM Certification Mark be displayed once a course is QM Certified?
Courses that successfully meet QM Review Standards in an official course review are eligible to carry the QM Certification Mark that is specific to the QM Rubric version used in the course review.

What is the cancellation policy for QM online professional development?
Quality Matters reserves the right to refuse/cancel a registration or event due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the registration or event nonviable. Should circumstances arise that result in the postponement of a registration or event, registrants will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer the registration to the same course at the new future date.

What are the registration fees for QM Conferences?
Registration rates for participating in QM Conferences vary depending on whether you attend the spring conference or the QM Connect Conference. You can get the best rate by having a current QM Membership, registering during Early Bird and reserving a hotel room in the QM room block for in-person events.

How can I make QM Rubric Standards available to my post-secondary or graduate students?
You can bring QM into the classroom with QM for Students, a supplemental subscription. If you’ve been wanting to incorporate QM Standards into curricula and courses for Instructional Design, or any other program, this supplemental subscription may provide the solution.

What level of accessibility is available in QM professional development?
Quality Matters (QM) supports the provisions of Standard 8, Accessibility and Usability, in the QM Rubric. QM strongly supports reasonable accommodation for all participants.