How can Educators Improve Course Quality and Learner Outcomes? It's in the Design Starting with Course Alignment!


The presenters - Denise Kreiger, instructional designer/technology specialist, and Dr, Mary Chayko, teaching professor and director of undergraduate interdisciplinary studies at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University - collaborated to design/develop a new hybrid course, “Digital Technology and Disruptive Change." They will discuss the course design process that focuses on course alignment (QM standards 2-6) and a hybrid model that can be used for broader applications in diverse disciplines. Students engage in collaborative activities and peer-review using technology tools and social media such as Google Apps, Storify, and Twitter. The presenters will share their experiences in designing, developing, and teaching this course with the goal of creating an engaging, high-quality course that promotes the achievement of learner outcomes and students’ success.

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