Engagement Meets Academia: Incorporating Service Learning and Service Media into Multi-Course Online Curriculum, Instruction and Delivery


Presentation Overview and Instroduction of Panelist

Conference Topic Track:


Innovations in Making Quality Matter




PRESENTATION FORMAT: Panel (The panel will incorporate virtual and live speakers.)


Title of Proposal


Civic Engagement Meets Academia: Incorporating Service Learning and Service Media into Multi-Course Online Curriculum, Instruction and Delivery






Student learning outcomes can be enhanced by actively engaging students in new ways of learning. Service learning/elearning (SLEL) and social media are two emerging trends that are evolving that show potential for further enhancement of student learning. Infusing service learning and various technological modems that utilize social media is a practical solution to addressing the national agenda for more accountability in our colleges and universities. While national accreditation agencies are stressing more uniformity with same subject courses to assure attainment of more hard data for student success, evolving research moving to the forefront for student learning outcomes in courses designed to increase experiential learning through service learning courses. To extend the benefits of Quality Matters into this blossoming student learning experience beyond the traditional campus classes, this collaborative research proposal examines the benefits of a Quality Matters course enhanced by service learning concepts.


Presenter First Name:
Dr. Mary R.
Presenter Last Name:
Presenter Email: