Chris Spence, Curriculum Coordinator for Virtual South Carolina (VSC) contributed the content for this article

Want to set yourself up for success with an upcoming QM Course Review? At the May 2024 K-12 QMConversation, Chris Spence, Curriculum Coordinator for Virtual South Carolina (VSC) shared his team’s process for preparing for a QM Course Review for Certification. Included were three documents they’ve built to organize and submit course information to the review team:
Review To-Do List
This document includes an overall process timeline that lists each of the granular steps — from starting a course review to submitting a survey after the review. The document is complete with all the course-specific links, including the syllabus, alignment document, etc. that help inform your journey toward a successful review.
Template Document
The Template Document is a simple document that features all the questions from the Course Worksheet, and acts as a working document you can use to assemble all your information before you actually enter it into the Course Worksheet. That way, when you’re completing your Course Worksheet, you can simply copy the information from your template document, making sure the information is present and complete. A new copy is made at the outset of every review. You can see an example of the Course Worksheet by logging into MyQM and navigating to the Course Review Management System (CRMS).
Email Template
Now that your preparatory work is done, prepare for your Pre-Review Call. Chris has a highly refined email template that helps him and his team communicate critical information to the review team who will conduct their course’s review. This includes the link to the course, confirms that the login credentials are functioning, and ensures that the course is unlocked. The email also includes the Content Alignment Navigation Document as an attachment.
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