Identifying Platforms to Share Your Research

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You put a lot of time and effort into your research. Once you complete it — or if you already have — share it! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of publications, databases, and research publication repositories — or, Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs) — to provide you with concrete resources for submitting an article or paper/presentation on your research. Elsevier has a resource for determining which journal would be a good fit for a particular article. Inside Higher Ed also has some tips on sharing your research for reaching a broader audience.

Choosing a Publication Medium

When you submit an article for publication, you have two choices:

  1. Subscription-based publications
  2. Open access publications

Whether your research is published in a subscription-based publication or openly online, disseminating it to SCNs, such as and ResearchGate, and databases, such as Google Scholar, as well as via social media, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, will result in wider awareness of your work.

Submitting to Subscription-based Journals 

The publisher provides guidance on permissible ways to share articles they publish, such as The American Journal of Distance Education, published by Taylor & Francis Online, or The Internet and Higher Education, published by Elsevier

Open Access Publications

Follow the guidance of the particular journal, such as the Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice

Sharing with Scholarly Collaboration Networks and Databases

  • - To get started, visit the Academia website and sign up using Google, Facebook, or your email.  Once you have signed up, log in to the site where you will see an Upload option on the menu bar. Select that option to begin the upload process. This article has detailed guidance on the uploading process.
  • ResearchGate - To publish on the ResearchGate website, start by creating a free account.  You may also use your existing LinkedIn or Facebook accounts.  Once registered, browse this ResearchGate article that explains how to add a publication to your profile.
  • Google Scholar - To use Google Scholar, click the My Profile link at the top of the page. This will bring you to a screen where you add your institutional affiliation. Then, complete your profile by adding publications and making your profile public.

Sharing on Social Media

  • LinkedIn is a social media platform for professionals, so sharing here will help you reach colleagues worldwide. LinkedIn allows you to share more text in your post and will display your post for a longer time than Twitter will. Here are some helpful tips for LinkedIn:
    • Make your profile as complete as possible, including a photo of yourself
    • Include a picture with your post
    • Judiciously use applicable hashtags such as #edtech, #education, #elearning, #mlearning, #video, #digitaleducation, #onlinecourses, #online, #learning, #onlinelearning, and #training
    • Mention others with the @ sign such as @QMProgram

Sharing With Quality Matters

Research is at the heart of what we do, so keeping abreast of the latest online learning research is important. Help us by contacting our research team and sharing your research. Depending on the focus of your research, we may want to add it to our extensive Research Library or share it on our own social networks.