How can I be successful in completing QM professional development?
Busy schedules and competing priorities make it challenging to stay on top of the work required to successfully complete professional development courses and workshops. To achieve success and get the most out of QM professional development, follow these tips.

Why should I choose a Template + Content Review?
For courses designed using a template that crosses subject areas, a QM-managed Template + Content Review provides a cost-effective way to review courses in two phases. Phase 1 focuses on Standards associated with the template. They are marked with a “T” in the list of Standards for relevant Rubrics. Phase 2 focuses on the Standards associated with course content (marked with a “C” in the list of Standards for relevant Rubrics) and combines with the Template Review score for an overall Full Review score. A Template + Content Review may lead to QM Certification for the courses reviewed.

How Can I Connect With a K-12 Collaborative Team?
They say it takes a village to raise a child. The same can be said for designing and delivering quality online and blended courses. That’s why the QM K-12 community came together to form collaborative teams. The teams provide K-12 members with engaging, meaningful content that encourages the exchange of information and ideas to help everyone tackle online learning challenges.

How do courses become recertified?
Depending on the type of course that was certified, QM Certification is valid for three to five years. Recertification allows you to extend the original QM Certification for a course in a cost-effective manner for up to three more years. In some cases, courses need to be recertified before the standard three to five year period has expired.

How Can I Maximize My Role as a QMC?
The QM Coordinator (QMC) provides leadership for implementing the QM quality assurance process. As teams and organizations progress from basic knowledge about QM Course Design Standards to Official Course Reviews and beyond, the QMC is there to provide guidance on how QM can support a robust quality assurance process that delivers results for learners.

What are some resources for promoting QM quality assurance to others?
Get the conversation started about quality assurance for online and blended learning by sharing the QM Overview Booklet, video, testimonials, and more. You can also download and print PDFs or order brochures related to specific facets of the QM system.

How can I leverage my QM expertise to become a Certified QM Reviewer?
Join the movement to improve online and blended courses! See courses from a different perspective, help the QM Community and make a difference for learners by attaining the role of Higher Ed QM-Certified Peer Reviewer or K-12 Course Reviewer.

How can I show how much I love QM Conferences?
Make a video and use social media — Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc. — to tell your network and others following QM about your excitement to participate in or present at a QM Conference.

What are the expectations and qualifications for serving on the QM Higher Education Rubric Committee?
QM Members serving on the Rubric Revision Committee for the Seventh Edition of the QM Higher Education Course Design Rubric Standards need to be experienced with the Sixth Edition Rubric as described on this page. Committee members volunteer a significant amount of time and effort that benefits the entire QM Community.