Many of you have shared how much you love attending QM Conferences! You comment on what a rewarding experience it is and how the conferences provide you with inspiration, valuable connections and new ideas to help you deliver on your online promise. The QM Community wants to hear your stories. How? Here are some ideas!
Tell Us Your #QMConnect Story!

Six words, ten words, 280 characters — we don’t care, we just want you to tell us about your QM Connect highlights while you’re immersed in your conference experience. Here are some prompts to choose from:
- Define an “Aha Moment” — that session, workshop, presenter or conversation that helped you connect the dots
- Describe the thing you can’t wait to tell your colleagues about
- Share your overall conference experience
- Tell us the one thing you’ll put into action
Of course, you’re also free to share anything that stands out as a highlight from your experience. One option is to focus your thoughts by using the “6 Words” approach to summarize your experience or thoughts into 6 WORDS.
Here are a few ways you can share highlights of your conference experience with the QM Community:
- Make your own video or voice recording, upload to your media hosting account (e.g. YouTube or Chirbit) and send the link to us at (You’re also welcome to tell us your story in an email, no media required.)
- Use social media — tell us your story and include a photo if you can! Use #QMConnect and #QMConnectStories for tagging. You can Tweet or you can post on the QM Facebook page.
- During the QM Connect Conference, visit the Scholastic Book Fair area where you can record your story using an iPad. (Morning, after lunch or after sessions have ended will be best.)
Have fun telling your story by:
- Writing out what you'll say first
- Introducing yourself at the beginning
- Using props
Create a video before or after conferences
Tell the QM Community what you love most about attending or presenting at a QM Conference. Not sure what to share? We’ve got some suggestions to help get you started:
- Make it a group effort! Gather your colleagues who also attend or present and have each person share why they love to #QMConnect.
- Have you attended in the past? Share a takeaway from the conference and how you’ve used what you learned.
- Look ahead! Let others know what you are looking forward to this year. Check out this example from Steven Crawford, Arizona State University’s College of Nursing and Health Innovation:
- #QMConnect by talking about the connections you made at QM Conferences. How have they helped you?
- Be a tease! If you’re presenting at this year’s conference, tease a take-away from your presentation.
- Numbers talk. Share your top three reasons for going to a QM Conference.
- It can be as simple as this example we found on YouTube:
When you’re ready, share your video by doing one or more of the following:
- Upload the video to your YouTube or Vimeo account and share out through social media. Be sure to tag QM (@QMProgram) or post on our Facebook page.
- Share via Twitter. Posting a video to Twitter is as easy as 1-2-3. But if you are unsure or need a refresher, please check out the Twitter Help Center.
- Email us the link to your video and we'll help share it.
Use Social Media
Inspire your network and the QM Community:
- Share your love on social media. Tweet or post on the QM Facebook page about why you love QM conferences. You can also share photos from conferences. Be sure to mention @QMProgram in your tweet or post and using #QMConnect or #QMRegionalConf. (If you’re presenting a session, be sure to let your network know.)
- Talk to your colleagues about QM Conferences. Spread the love and the news by talking about it with your peers. Let them know about the benefits of attending and encourage them to go with you. You can do this by creating a SlideShare or other simple type of presentation.
- Work with your organization's marketing or communications team to create a communication about your conference attendance or presentation. Share why you are attending or presenting as well as the benefits of networking and collaborating with the QM Community — like Torie Wynn from Wichita State University did!
Start sharing your QM Conference love today! Questions? Contact QM's Digital Communications & Social Media Manager.