2014 Annual Conference

Looking Under the Hood: Making Course Design Transparent

Explore the "under the hood" design features of the Introduction to Online Teaching Using Moodle course to help make the design process transparent.

This course provides faculty members the opportunity to be students in an online course, create their own course as they work through the modules, and see QM standards and alignment in practice. In this session you will be able to access the course and explore as we discuss the three areas driving the design of the course: QM, Moodle How-To, and Authentic Learning.

No Muss! No Fuss!

Interested in saving time and energy while you prepare your course for QM review? Want to decrease emails from confused students?  Wish to boost student engagement in your class without increasing the “I live with my laptop velcroed to my hip” time commitment associated with teaching online?  Then this session is for you!  Come explore the connections between LMS tools, course design and the QM rubric standards. These “hot tricks” will get you on your way to meeting expectations while (hopefully) conserving time!

Applying, Improving, Reviewing: A Three Step Plan for QM Implementation

A statewide project of any magnitude requires planning, support, and buy-in. Through central funding, grant monies, and individual school buy-in, one state is currently implementing the three-step "Applying, Improving, and Reviewing" plan. The first step provides faculty and support staff with Applying the QM Rubric training and develops a cohort of peer and master reviewers. The second step provides "Improving Your Online Course" training. The last step is "Reviewing Courses." 

How Satisfied Are Your Online Learners?

Join us to learn more about the Noel-Levitz Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) which captures both how satisfied students are with their online experience as well as what is most important to them.  These data can contribute to your student retention, accreditation and strategic planning efforts.  The PSOL is one of the featured instruments for the 2014-2015 Quality Matters Research Projects on the Student Voice. 

HBCU Case Study: An Online Learning Initiative

This presentation describes the organization, policy development, strategic initiatives, implementation, and assessment associated with establishing online learning at an urban, Land-grant, historically black university. We will showcase how a partnership with QM provided structure and a best practices model. The case will describe a four year strategic approach whereby online learning grew in a measured fashion through a collaborative approach among faculty, administrators and external partners. We will reflect upon challenges, successes, and sustainability.