2024 Higher Ed Quality in Action Conference

Empowering Instructional Design with Custom GPTs: A New Era of Online Education Unveiled

In the dynamic world of educational technology, custom Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) stand at the forefront of a transformative shift in instructional design. This engaging presentation is set to explore the tangible benefits of weaving custom GPTs into the fabric of educational planning and execution. From drafting pinpointed objectives to crafting vibrant lesson plans and assessments, custom GPTs hold the key to a new realm of efficiency and effectiveness in education.

Opening the Door to a More Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environment with UDL

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approaches allow instructors to anticipate the needs of any learner. At our institution we have begun modeling design principles that follow UDL guidelines to foster flexible and inclusive learning environments. This presentation connects UDL approaches to QM™ Review Standards, demonstrates the concrete implementation at our institution, and provides participants with the opportunity to begin applying UDL to learning experiences within their organizations.

Reimagine, Revamp, Repeat: A Journey Through a Program Revision Process Guided by QM

Have you or your department been contemplating implementing a redesign process on your campus, but just don’t quite know where to start. In this session, we will share our approach, policy and lessons learned in implementing a redesign process for an accelerated online program. Participants will be able to takeaway ideas and strategies to implement their own redesign process to provide high quality courses within their institution.

Cooking up Quality Feedback in Online Instruction

Building rapport and providing descriptive feedback to learners is championed by Quality Matters. Learners are more likely to persist and succeed when they can not only hear but also take in and feel motivated to apply the feedback they receive from instructors. We welcome you to the table for collaborative conversation and interactive practice. Join us as we share key strategies you can season to fit your learning environment!

Sowing the Seeds of Course Quality: Knowledge and Application of Design Best Practices

NC State University's Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) has collaborated with 65 instructors to apply the Quality Matters course design standards to a single online or hybrid course, resulting in QM certification for all submitted courses. To measure the wider impact of participation, we asked faculty to reflect on what they had learned about course design and how they had applied that knowledge in additional courses.

UDL and You: Student Voice, Choice, and Empowerment with Active Learning Projects

Want an interactive, accessible, and equitable way to engage your learners? Try UDL projects! We’ll share multiple ways that learners can demonstrate mastery of concepts with project-based learning. We’ll show examples of UDL projects and feedback from students on how they were better able to integrate the concepts by creating meaning and producing artifacts. No matter the length or subject matter of your class, you can apply UDL to provide opportunities for deep, transformative learning.

Showcase QM Certified Online Courses at Your Institution!

The presenters and attendees will discuss ways to highlight quality online courses at their institutions. The presenters will share the development of their Online Course Showcase. We will discuss the selection process of QM-certified and other well-designed online courses for public display. Factors such as subject, design strategies, content presentation, assessment type, target audience, access, and accessibility were considered.