What are QM Digital Credentials?
Digital Credentials issued by QM represent mastery of identified competencies in courses and workshops. They also represent achievement of QM roles. Unlike printed certificates, they can be displayed on sites like LinkedIn and shared on social media.

How does the review process for course design work?

The structure of a course review depends on the QM Rubric you select, the type of course you want to evaluate, and the type of review you want to conduct. For example, a Self-Review, Internal Review, and Official Review will all be structured differently. And the QM Rubric you select for your organization will affect the composition of your review team, as well as the QM Standards you have to meet.

How does attending a QM Conference help my organization?
When you participate in a QM Conference, you gain valuable insight and concrete ideas to take back to your organization. If you need approval to attend a QM Conference, we have a few tips to help you communicate how participating in a QM Conference can benefit your professional practice and your organization.

How can a course be prepared for an Official Review?
The review team will need access to the course from the student perspective. Use this checklist to determine whether your course is ready to be submitted for review.

Who has received QM Program Review Certification?
Many institutions have received Program Certification in one or more of the four categories since the pilot for Program Review in 2015, with several earning Exemplary Status.

To which course formats can QM Rubrics be applied?
See specific definitions of what constitutes an online, blended or face-to-face format and how the QM Rubrics can be applied to each.

Where can I find information on QM's FIPSE grant?
The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) grant was awarded to QM for three years through a grant project of MarylandOnline. The project had partners from several MarylandOnline Community Colleges and Senior Institutions, as well as many external partners.

What are the guidelines for using QM logos & marks in our materials?
Review the guidelines for using and displaying QM certification marks and logos in your print and digital materials for promoting your use of QM and identifying yourself as a member.

How do I generate a Certificate of Completion for a course or workshop that I have taken?
From MyQM, click on “My Activity” and select “Professional Development.” You will see a “Certificate” link next to any completed sessions listed under “Professional Development Taken.”