This schedule shows online courses and workshops planned for the next six months. Dates shown represent the start and end date for the session. Use the tabs to see options specific to your area of interest or enter a keyword in the search field. Selecting the title link will take you to a description for the session. Register links will take you to the registration system in MyQM.
**Please Note: Courses with "Open Enrollment" in the title do not have designated start and end dates. Participants have 24 hours from the time of registration to begin the course.**
For the complete list of fees for QM courses and workshops currently available for individuals, visit the Professional Development Fees page in FAQs. Visit Professional Development for Your Organization to see options and pricing for dedicated online, virtual and on-site options.
Register | Audience | Title & Description Link | Dates | Modality |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Accelerated Continuing and Professional Education Reviewer Course | 2024-01-02 to 2026-01-02 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Applying the QM K-12 Rubric Online Facilitator Certification (Open Enrollment) | 2024-01-02 to 2026-01-02 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Applying the QM K-12 Rubric Face to Face Facilitator Certification (Open Enrollment) | 2024-01-02 to 2026-01-02 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Rubric Update/Role Reinstatement | 2024-01-02 to 2026-01-02 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Accelerated Continuing and Professional Education Reviewer Course | 2025-01-02 to 2025-12-01 | Online |
Register | K-12 | QM for Students Introductory Module K-12 | 2025-01-02 to 2025-12-01 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Intro to Generative AI for K-12 Teachers (Virtual) (VTK12IGAI) | 2025-02-16 to 2025-02-17 | Virtual |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 (INTRO2QM) | 2025-02-18 to 2025-03-04 | Online |
Register | K-12 | QM Success Stories | 2025-02-19 to 2025-02-19 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | Orienting Your Online Learners (K-12) (OYOL) | 2025-02-19 to 2025-02-26 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Assessing Your Learners | 2025-02-26 to 2025-03-05 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching Strategies | 2025-02-26 to 2025-03-12 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Applying the Quality Matters K-12 Rubric Fifth Edition | 2025-03-04 to 2025-03-25 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Master Reviewer Certification | 2025-03-04 to 2025-03-25 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Exploring Your Institution's Policies | 2025-03-05 to 2025-03-19 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Reviewer Course | 2025-03-05 to 2025-03-26 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Evaluating Your Course Design | 2025-03-05 to 2025-03-19 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Assessing Your Learners | 2025-03-12 to 2025-03-19 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Intro to Generative AI for K-12 Teachers (Virtual) (VTK12IGAI) | 2025-03-16 to 2025-03-17 | Virtual |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 (INTRO2QM) | 2025-03-18 to 2025-04-01 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Creating Presence in Your Online Course | 2025-03-19 to 2025-04-02 | Online |
Register | K-12 | QM Success Stories | 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-19 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | QM K-12 Webinar (Members Only) | 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-19 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Orienting Your Online Learners (OYOL) | 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-26 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Online Course Design (K12DYOC) | 2025-03-20 to 2025-04-10 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Gauging Your Technology Skills | 2025-03-26 to 2025-04-09 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching Strategies | 2025-03-26 to 2025-04-09 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Applying the Quality Matters K-12 Rubric Fifth Edition | 2025-04-01 to 2025-04-22 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Master Reviewer Certification | 2025-04-01 to 2025-04-22 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Gauging Your Technology Skills | 2025-04-02 to 2025-04-09 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Reviewer Course | 2025-04-02 to 2025-04-23 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Evaluating Your Course Design | 2025-04-09 to 2025-04-23 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Creating Presence in Your Online Course | 2025-04-09 to 2025-04-23 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 (INTRO2QM) | 2025-04-15 to 2025-04-29 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Orienting Your Online Learners (OYOL) | 2025-04-16 to 2025-04-23 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Assessing Your Learners | 2025-04-16 to 2025-04-23 | Online |
Register | K-12 | QM Success Stories | 2025-04-23 to 2025-04-23 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching Strategies | 2025-04-23 to 2025-05-07 | Online |
Register | K-12 | K-12 Exploring Your Institution's Policies | 2025-04-23 to 2025-05-07 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 (INTRO2QM) | 2025-05-20 to 2025-06-03 | Online |
Register | K-12 | QM Success Stories | 2025-05-21 to 2025-05-21 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | QM Success Stories | 2025-06-17 to 2025-06-17 | Webinar |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 (INTRO2QM) | 2025-06-17 to 2025-07-01 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Intro to Generative AI for K-12 Teachers (Virtual) (VTK12IGAI) | 2025-06-24 to 2025-06-25 | Virtual |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 2025(INTRO2QM) | 2025-07-15 to 2025-07-29 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 2025(INTRO2QM) | 2025-08-12 to 2025-08-26 | Online |
Register | K-12 | Introduction to Quality Matters K-12 2025(INTRO2QM) | 2025-09-09 to 2025-09-23 | Online |