2023 QM Connect

ChatGPT: Assistant or Adversary?

Technology doesn’t just augment the educational experience but revolutionizes it. In this session, attendees will delve deep into the power of AI in the classroom, particularly focusing on ChatGPT. You’ll discover how AI can take your lesson planning from hours to minutes, provide personalized feedback to students, and offer innovative approaches to OER curriculum design—all aligned with UDL guidelines. Through demonstrations and activities, you'll see how AI can help create a diverse, inclusive learning environment while achieving high-quality instructional outcomes.

Power of Partnership: How State-Wide Momentum Drives QA in Ohio’s Institutions for Online Learning

Finding partners to build and grow your QM community is at the heart of the successful Ohio QM Consortium.  Come experience how this statewide group welcomes institutions of all types and provides professional development, support, and leadership to drive innovation and initiate change. Participants will leave with strategies to build and strengthen partnerships with other institutions. 

The ABCs of Online Course Development: APPQMR, Backward Design, and Collaboration

Discover a simple way to start developing online courses with APPQMR, Backward Design, and Collaboration. Learn from our Course Development Program's successes and explore how you can implement APPQMR, ensure course materials align with course and module objectives by using Backward Design (or Course Mapping) with faculty and integrate collaboration in each step of the process. This session offers practical solutions for implementing an Online Course Development Program at your organization. 

Beyond Points: Three Alternative Grading Strategies to Improve Learning

Tired of the usual grading methods and point-driven students? Come learn about three alternative grading strategies that focus on feedback, which is a key piece for improving learning. Our presentation will focus on specifications grading, contract grading, and ungrading. We’ll also examine strengths and challenges of each as well as their alignment with QM Specific Review Standards 3.2 and 3.3. 

A Recipe for Student Success: Key Ingredients for Quality Online Instruction

Building rapport, establishing clear success criteria, and providing descriptive feedback are key ingredients for online learning success, as championed by Quality Matters.  We welcome you to the table for collaborative conversation and interactive practice. Join us as we share key strategies you can season to fit your learning environment! 

UDL and You: Student Voice, Choice, and Empowerment with Active Learning Projects


Want an interactive, accessible, and equitable way to engage your learners? Try UDL projects! We’ll share multiple ways that learners can demonstrate mastery of concepts with project-based learning. We’ll show examples of UDL projects and feedback from students on how they were better able to integrate the concepts by creating meaning and producing artifacts. No matter the length or subject matter of your class, you can apply UDL to provide opportunities for deep, transformative learning. 

Create Your QM Vision Board! Dialog with Colleagues, Find Your Path to Scalable QM Adoption and QA

Learn how UMBC successfully addressed challenges faced during emergency remote teaching and developed a scalable solution for quality online course design based on the QM rubric. Analyze your institutional climate, identify stakeholders, and set goals to support QM adoption that is faculty-driven and student-centered. Our vision board revealed a pathway for faculty to learn how to apply the Rubric, utilize QM’s Concept of Alignment, and improve course accessibility and usability. 

Preparing Teachers for Virtual Learning: How to Accomplish the Task with Badges and Certificates

Very few teacher preparation programs, even those offered online, have included instruction for teacher candidates to teach or design courses or lessons for K-12 online schooling. Recent state regulations in some states now require preservice teachers to have this training. Join us to find out how a professional development model was developed using badges and certificates to accomplish this requirement. 

Your QM Moonshot – Where in the Stars did You Land?

This fast-paced session explores moonshot thinking, innovative environments, and overcoming challenges. You are invited to share your QM story in 3 minutes or less! We will discuss your QM Moonshot and determine where in the stars you landed - from stellar successes to failures that resulted in data (rapid unscheduled disassembly) and everything in between! Observers are also welcome! 

What can Online Learning do that Face-to-Face Learning Cannot? Insights from Online Instructors

Online learning was once viewed as an educational “alternative”- but attitudes may be shifting. Are there benefits to online learning that exceed face-to-face courses? This poster shares results from a qualitative study with online instructors who discussed perceptions of the benefits unique to learning online. The analysis includes ways in which instructors’ perceptions varied based on years of teaching experience. Results provide insights for faculty development and course design.