What can we learn from faculty who have taught online for 10+ years? We interviewed 33 faculty on their experiences with evaluation of online teaching, perceptions of important skills for online instructors, and advice for new online instructors.
A team of instructional designers will share their experience of identifying ways to supplement the Quality Matters Standards from a list of 43 standards to a set of foundational and advanced standards in a checklist format.
Review Readiness: Establishing internal review processes to prepare for QM certification reviews is a session that shares one institution's strategy for structuring an internal review process that drives faculty buy-in and course certification.
This session will provide university faculty and staff with effective strategies to use social annotation tool Perusall to facilitate and support learner interaction and success in any classroom.
Come one, come all…free instructional materials are available with Open Educational Resources (OER)! Excite your students by exploring how to search and select OER. OER will reduce expenses for your adult learners at small and large institutions.
Before entering the career in online learning - in higher education, K-12, or CPE, graduate and professional students can build a deeper understanding and formal credential from QM through QM for Student program, as a head start.
Join us to learn more about social presence and social capital, measuring social presence, and how we use the QM introductions to provide insights for teaching and building community!
Don't just click Next! See how you can create meaningful learner-content interaction. We will examine instructional interactivity and identify ways to promote engagement and active learning to meet SRS 5.2 and SRS 6.2.
What are the 'Three Little Words' that increase engagement and connection with students in virtual learning environments? I have identified 'Three Little Words' that my data suggests extends dialogue and makes students feel more connected to me.
Throughout pandemic, some undergraduate students indicate that they feel disengaged with online coursework while others struggle in silence. Mental health concerns and best practices for a healthy, engaged classroom will be examined and discussed.