HE QM-Managed Official Course Reviews for Certification - Publishers


QM-Managed - Alternate Version Full Review (HE Pub. Official Review)

Brief Benefit Description
Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. Examples: Fully online versus blended, alternate content delivery method (with or without videos).

QM-Managed - Content Review (HE Pub. Official Review)

Brief Benefit Description
As part of a two phase review process, this is a review of a course against the Content Standards ("C") in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. The findings and scores from a completed Template Review automatically populate into the Content Review to calculate an overall score.

QM-Managed - Template Review (HE Pub. Official Review)

Brief Benefit Description
As part of a two phase review process, this is a single review of three (3) courses from different subject areas against the Template Standards ("T") in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. Conducted once per Rubric Edition or when a template/platform is revised. Results are combined with subsequent Content Reviews.