2018 QM Connect Conference

Culture and Diversity Matter

In this presentation, we identify cultural aspects that affect course design, we discuss best design practices based on our experience relative to issues of gender, diversity, and inclusion, and we debate some of the pitfalls during the course design process that can arise due to cultural misconceptions.

Screen Time with Standard 8

Let's face it, course design with QM Standard 8 in mind can take time!  We'll cover the basic challenges in video accessibility and options to make creating course videos easy...dare we say fun!  If you have wondered about Screencast-o-matic and love YouTube, this session is a chance to plan a script and create a video. Bring your laptop, a presentation file, a previously recorded video, or just your curiosity.  We will provide script templates that let you create content during the session or write a solid plan for your next project.

Design Exams in Science Courses That Truly Measure Learning Outcomes

The main objective of this presentation is to share and demonstrate how online instructors can design and transform exams in science courses from the paper-pencil format to online assessments. In Engineering as in many other math and science disciplines, most exams need to assess students' mastery of knowledge and skills with calculation as well as problem solving, so exams made of mostly multiple-choice questions are not effective to  measure learning outcomes.

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights : Making Online Courses Comply with QM Standard 4.3

Standard 4.3 in the QM Rubric emphasizes the importance of acknowledging “previously published, instructor created materials, journal articles, publisher materials, textbooks, images, graphic materials, tables, videos, audio recordings, websites, slides, and other forms of multimedia.” (Annotation, 6th edition QM Rubric). You will practice ways of “modeling” these concepts in this session.

The Competitive Potential of Local and Regional Online Programs

How can local and regional online programs thrive in an increasingly competitive environment led by nationally focused enterprise-level programs? This session goes beyond describing various sectors’ current online learning practices and articulated future plans. Based on CHLOE (Changing Landscape of Online Education) findings, the facilitators will identify strengths and opportunities of which local and regional institutions may not be not taking full advantage and vulnerabilities they need to address.