Options for QM Recognition Course Reviews

While an Official Course Review for QM Certification entails review against all the Standards in a QM Rubric, Recognition Reviews are specialized reviews that use a subset of Standards. These review types — and the recognition awarded for meeting Standards — can provide evidence of continuous improvement for staff, departments and institutions as courses mature.

Higher Ed QM-Managed Recognition Reviews

Managed by Quality Matters (QM) staff in compliance with QM Course Review Requirements (outlined in the Course Review Policies and Processes document). QM staff manage the review, select the review team, pay the reviewers, and invoice the institution. Recognition is awarded to courses that meet review Standards defined in the review description.

  • QM-Managed Essentials Review (HE)
    Review of a course against the three-point Essential Specific Review Standards from the Essential Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric, Seventh Edition and conducted by a Master Reviewer and a Peer Reviewer. All Essential Specific Review Standards must be met to receive recognition, which is valid for five years. Courses not initially meeting Standards are eligible for an amendment process.
    Member Fee: $1100Non-Member Fee: $1500

Higher Ed. Subscriber-Managed Recognition Reviews

Organizations with a Higher Education Full or System Subscription can choose to manage and conduct their own Recognition Course Reviews using Course Review Tools in MyQM. In this case, your organization would handle all the paperwork, logistics, and reviewer payments. QM’s role is to provide the review infrastructure, supporting resources and to recognize courses that meet Standards in the review. QM staff review the process and verify the awarding of the QM Recognition Mark for courses that meet review Standards defined in the review description.

  • Subscriber-Managed Essentials Review (HE)
    Review of a course against the three-point Essential Specific Review Standards from the Essential Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric, Seventh Edition and conducted by a Master Reviewer and a Peer Reviewer. All Essential Standards must be met to receive recognition, which is valid for five years. Courses not initially meeting Standards are eligible for an amendment process. Managed by the QM Coordinator or a certified Course Review Manager (CRM) in compliance with QM Course Review Policies and Processes.
    Member Fee: $200Non-Member Fee: N/A