When to Use Internal & Preparatory Reviews

All individuals within a subscribing organization can use QM’s CRMS to conduct Internal Reviews. This is a great way for instructors and instructional designers to reflect on their course design and engage in a collaborative review process. After conducting an Internal Review, the Final Report shows the collective strengths and weaknesses of the course, every reviewer’s personal feedback, and a review score that reflects the overall quality of the course. The reports become part of an organization's QM data, which can be utilized in data analysis and evidence for accreditation. When the Internal Review process adheres to QM guidelines, organizations can share their achievements with web pages and social media.

Preparatory Reviews are a great way to benchmark courses, see if improvements are on track and prepare for an Official Review. While not eligible for QM Certification, a preparatory review is chaired by a Master Reviewer who is also a subject matter expert. The review results in a report that provides insight on where to focus course improvements — specific areas not meeting QM Standards, for example — and can help highlight professional development needs.

Higher Ed Options for Internal & Preparatory Reviews

  • Higher Ed Internal Review
    Unofficial review of a course in its entirety managed by the member organization against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Rubric. This type of review is not eligible for QM Certification.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A
  • Higher Ed Preparatory Review
    This informal, not eligible for certification, review can be used by institutions wanting to benchmark their course design process or to determine professional development needs. The review uses a Master Reviewer that is also a subject matter expert. Choose this review type from the Course Review Application to get the process started.
    Member Fee: $500Non-Member Fee: $900
  • HE Publisher Internal Review (Full)
    Unofficial review of a course in its entirety managed by the member organization against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. This type of review is not eligible for QM Certification.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A

K-12 Options for Internal & Preparatory Reviews

  • K-12 Publisher Internal Review
    Unofficial review of a course in its entirety managed by the member organization against all Specific Review Standards in the K-12 Rubric designated as applicable in a K-12 Publisher course. This type of review is not eligible for QM Certification.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A
  • K-12 Internal Review
    Unofficial review of a course in its entirety managed by the member organization against all Specific Review Standards in the K-12 Rubric. This type of review is not eligible for QM Certification. Choose this review type from the Course Review Application to get the process started.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A
  • QM-Managed - Preparatory Review (K-12)
    Review of a course for an organization wanting to benchmark their course design process or to determine professional development needs.
    Member Fee: $350Non-Member Fee: $750

CPE Options for Internal & Preparatory Reviews

  • CPE Internal Review
    Unofficial review of a course in its entirety managed by the member organization against all Specific Review Standards in the CPE Rubric. This type of review is not eligible for QM Certification.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A
  • CPE Preparatory Review
    Review of a course for an organization wanting to benchmark their course design process or to determine professional development needs. Managed by Quality Matters (QM) staff in compliance with QM CPE Course Review Policies and Processes.
    Member Fee: $350Non-Member Fee: $750