Higher Ed. Options for QM Certification Course Reviews

An Official Review for QM Certification of a course is the best way to benchmark design efforts and improvements. And, it’s the only way to certify course quality for everyone to see — with the QM Certification Mark. A course becomes QM-Certified once it meets QM Rubric Standards at the 85% threshold or better and meets all Essential Specific Review Standards. You’ll also receive useful recommendations from the review team that will help improve the course.

If your course does not initially meet QM Rubric Standards, you will be able to submit an amended course with the reviewer-suggested updates during the amendment phase. The reports become part of an organization's QM data, which can be utilized in data analysis and evidence for accreditation.

HE QM-Managed Official Certification Course Reviews

Official Certification Course Reviews managed by Quality Matters (QM) staff in compliance with QM Course Review Requirements (outlined in the Course Review Policies and Processes document). QM staff manage the review, select the review team, pay the reviewers, and invoice the institution.

  • QM-Managed (HE Official Review)
    Review of a course in its entirety against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Rubric.
    Member Fee: $1300Non-Member Fee: $1700
  • QM-Managed Alternate Version Review (HE Official Review)
    Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Rubric. Examples: fully online/blended; 8week/16 week; multiple developers; undergraduate/graduate level.
    Member Fee: $700Non-Member Fee: $1100
  • QM-Managed - Full Review (HE Pub. Official Review)
    Review of a course in its entirety against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric.
    Member Fee: $1500Non-Member Fee: $1900
  • QM-Managed - Template Review (HE Pub. Official Review)
    As part of a two phase review process, this is a single review of three (3) courses from different subject areas against the Template Standards ("T") in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. Conducted once per Rubric Edition or when a template/platform is revised. Results are combined with subsequent Content Reviews.
    Member Fee: $2000Non-Member Fee: $2800
  • QM-Managed - Content Review (HE Pub. Official Review)
    As part of a two phase review process, this is a review of a course against the Content Standards ("C") in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. The findings and scores from a completed Template Review automatically populate into the Content Review to calculate an overall score.
    Member Fee: $1300Non-Member Fee: $1700
  • QM-Managed - Alternate Version Full Review (HE Pub. Official Review)
    Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. Examples: Fully online versus blended, alternate content delivery method (with or without videos).
    Member Fee: $900Non-Member Fee: $1300
  • QM-Managed - Alternate Version Content Review (HE Pub. Official Review)
    Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against the Content Standards ("C") in the Higher Education Publisher Rubric. Examples: Fully online versus blended, alternate content delivery method (with or without videos).
    Member Fee: $700Non-Member Fee: $1100

HE Subscriber-Managed Official Certification Course Reviews

Organizations with a Higher Education Full or System Subscription can choose to manage and conduct their own Official Certification Course Reviews. In this case, your organization would handle all the paperwork, logistics, and reviewer payments. During an official Subscriber-Managed Certification Course Review, you have access to the same QM tools — the CRMS — as those used in official QM-Managed Certification Course Reviews, plus additional resources. QM’s role is to provide supporting resources and assign certification to courses that meet Standards in an official QM Certification Course Review. QM staff review the process and verify the awarding of the QM Certification Mark for courses that meet or exceed quality expectations.

  • Subscriber-Managed - Alternate Version HE Official Review
    Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Rubric. Examples: fully online/blended; 8week/16 week; multiple developers; undergraduate/graduate level. Managed by the QM Coordinator in compliance with QM Course Review Policies and Processes.
    Member Fee: $100Non-Member Fee: N/A
  • Subscriber-Managed - Alternate Version HE Official Review managed by certified Course Review Manager (CRM)
    Review of an alternate version of a course, that previously met QM Standards, against all Specific Review Standards in the Higher Education Rubric. Examples: fully online/blended; 8week/16 week; multiple developers; undergraduate/graduate level. Managed by a certified Course Review Manager (CRM) in compliance with QM Course Review Policies and Processes.
    Member Fee: $0Non-Member Fee: N/A