Follow-up Q&A to “The Role of Research in Developing the Sixth Edition of the QM Higher Education Rubric for Course Design” Webinar

For those who are interested in the connection between research and the QM Rubric—and want to use the new Rubric to improve your courses — this page includes supplementary materials to the webinar recording. Check out our answers to some of the common questions we received from webinar attendees, and explore the links below for additional content that relates to the webinar


1. How does the research relate to the Specific Review Standards?

The research references that relate to the Specific Review Standards are listed by General Standard in the QM Research Library. The library includes references that support and inform all editions of the Higher Education Rubric. To see longitudinal research, note the time period of the study in the notes for the reference.

2. What are the differences between the Fifth Edition and the Sixth Edition of the QM Higher Education Rubric?

The Rubric Update (Sixth Edition) is a free session for QM members that explains the changes from the QM Higher Education Rubric, Fifth Edition, to the Sixth Edition.

3. Which Specific Review Standards had the lowest inter-rater agreement in course reviews using the Fifth Edition of the Rubric?

  • 8.3: The course provides alternative means of access to course materials in formats that meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • 6.5: Links are provided to privacy policies for all external tools required in the course.
  • 4.3: All instructional materials used in the course are appropriately cited.

These were also the three Specific Review Standards (out of all the Specific Review Standards) most often not met during the initial QM-Managed Course Review.

Webinar Links

Here are links to the information we shared during the webinar—and links we posted in the chat box.