Designing Trauma-Informed Courses with the Brain and Heart in Mind

Designing Trauma-Informed Courses with the Brain and Heart in Mind

Examine the latest research in cognitive research as it applies to trauma-informed principles in teaching and learning.
Virtual Delivery (Synchronous)
Course Length:
Two Hours
Fee with Membership (Single Registration):
Fee (Single Registration):

Neuroscience has increasingly informed educators about the importance of past trauma and its effects on learning. This workshop will examine the latest research in cognitive research as it applies to trauma-informed principles in teaching and learning. Instructors from all disciplines are encouraged to participate in an exploratory analysis of their course design, delivery, and technologies to promote psychological and psychosocial safety for their students.

Learning Objectives
  1. Identify the components of trauma-informed practice.
  2. Analyze the course design, materials, and policies; the learning environment and interaction; and supportive technologies of a course already taught or a new one.
  3. Gain strategies to use to mitigate trauma responses during course delivery.
  4. Build networks of trauma-informed professionals and resources.

Ability to read and write standard business English.

What Participants Need
  • Headset
  • Two hours of focused time
  • A course they have already taught or one they wish to teach for the first time
Synchronous Session Info

About the facilitator — Caroline Toscano is a higher education specialist in the areas of trauma-informed education, student academic support, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. She has a PhD in educational psychology from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. She has worked in the areas of instructional design, faculty professional development, and student success. She has previously presented at QM Connect, POD, Online Learning Consortium, League of Innovation, TESOL, and the Maryland Consortium of Adjunct Development (MCAD).

Offered as Virtual Workshop for a Group:
Offered as Online Workshop for a Group:
Offered as On-Site Workshop for a Group: