Who has received Recognition for Quality in Course Sharing?
The following institutions have earned recognition for high-quality course-sharing experiences. Recognition is valid for five years and can be renewed for three more years.
When will the QM Higher Ed Rubric, Sixth Edition be updated?
The QM Higher Ed Rubric, Seventh Edition is slated for release in July 2023. The Rubric Committee began their work for revising the Sixth Edition in July of 2022. A free Rubric Update professional development session will be available for all QM members in June of 2023. QM Role holders will have approximately six months to complete the self-paced session to maintain their roles.
What are the technical skills expected of participants in QM professional development?
Participants enrolled in an online course or workshop are expected to have basic technical skills related to using a learning management system, performing basic computing tasks and using software and email.
What are the eligibility requirements for QM-Certified Facilitators?
QM-Certified Facilitators play a key role in ensuring the quality of online and hybrid courses by facilitating select QM professional development opportunities for their institution or system. Eligibility for facilitator roles depends on a variety of factors including program, professional development requirements, completion of a role application, and more.
What are the eligibility requirements for QM-Certified Course Review Managers?
QM-Certified Course Review Managers play a key role in ensuring the quality of online and hybrid courses by managing official Subscriber-Managed Reviews. Eligibility for Course Review Manager roles depends on a variety of factors including program, professional development requirements, completion of a role application, and more.
What are the eligibility requirements for QM-Certified Reviewers and Master Reviewers?
QM-Certified Reviewers play a key role in ensuring the quality of online and hybrid courses by participating in structured, collaborative reviews of courses submitted for official review. Eligibility for reviewer roles depends on a variety of factors including program, professional development requirements, completion of a role application, and more.
What were the key milestones in developing the original QM Rubric?
In an interview conducted in 2017, Ron Legon and Mary Wells discuss the role of peer review in the QM course review process. From explaining how the original QM Rubric was formed with faculty in mind, to the need for alignment between Standards, the interview provides an insider's look at the history of the Quality Matters Rubric.
What are the minimum technology requirements for participating in QM professional development?
Set yourself up for success when taking QM professional development by making sure your computer and internet systems meet minimum requirements. If you plan to use a mobile device to access the QM Classroom, you'll also want to understand the requirements and limitations of doing so.
The term "QM Research" relates to several different types of resources: (1) Research that supports the QM Rubric and process, (2) Research that discusses its use and (3) Research that focuses on its impact.