Supporting quality instructional design
through community.
About Us
The Quality Matters Instructional Designers Association (QM IDA) is a special interest group of Quality Matters.
The QM Instructional Designers Association Mission is to promote and improve the quality of online education and student learning through instructional design practice by providing professional development opportunities to strengthen instructional design practice, building community, networking, and fostering mentoring opportunities, promoting quality standards-based practice informed by research and sharing best practices.
As a group we provide self-paced free or low-cost professional development, establish an online space for networking and professional partnerships, promote collaboration and mentorship between instructional design professionals, build a community for everyone, regardless of background, promote quality standards based practice which is informed by research, and participate in problem solving, research, and sharing of best practice.
The goals of the QM IDA are to:
- Provide professional development as well as an online space for networking and development of professional partnerships
- Promote collaboration and mentorship between instructional design professionals in an open community, regardless of background, focused on quality standards based practice which is informed by research
- Encourage instructional design information and resource sharing on a national scale where problem-solving, research, and best practice is freely exchanged.
Sign Up
A current QM subscription — either individually or through an institution — is required for membership in the QM IDA. If you are unsure if your institution is a member, you can search to find out.
Sign Up Through Your Institution’s QM Membership
- Sign in to your MyQM account*.
- Select the "My Tools" menu.
- Select the Role Applications link.
- Select the QM Instructional Designers Association Application link.
Sign Up with an Individual QM Membership
- Log into or create* a MyQM account
- Click “Subscribe” from the left side menu.
- Select “Subscribe Today!”
- Complete the short online form with your contact and payment information to purchase the Individual Subscription
- Once the subscription is activated, complete the QM Instructional Designers Association Application found in MyQM > My Tools > Role Applications.
*To create a MyQM account, choose “I am new here” on the login page.
Looking for the Job Board?
ID-related job postings have moved to the QM IDA Listserv. Please see the information below on how to sign up and access the listserv. For non-members interested in sharing job postings with the QM IDA, please use our Job Board Request Form to submit your request.
Get Involved & Get Answers
QM IDA Chats in Discord
These monthly chats provide a forum for members to share thoughts and resources related to questions around using QM and creating a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Starting August 9, 2024, QM IDA Chats are moving to "The QM Instructional Designers Association" Discord server. To participate, go to and create an account or login. You can use from your web browser or download the app. You will need to Join a Server (opens in a new browser tab). Look for "The QM Instructional Designers Association." Once you join, you will have access to a variety of chat topics, or "channels." The Monthly 5 Questions Chat channel is called #fiveburningquestions.
Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET
Topic: End of Year Reflection on Assessments
Q1: How have course assessments changed this year, compared to previous years? What techniques do you implement to ensure academic integrity in online assessments?
Q2: How were proctoring tools used, at your institutions this year, and how did instructors and students respond to the increased/decreased use of AI based proctoring software?
Q3: Were there any new campus-wide policies regarding assessments at your institution this year? What concerns/questions did faculty have regarding any campus-wide assessment policies?
Q4: As you have worked to adapt in-person classes to an online format, how have you and your faculty modified existing assessments, to ensure they are aligned with all outcomes, and measure the achievement of the stated learning objectives/competencies?
Q5: What tips and strategies are most effective in helping faculty revise assessments that are not aligned with the course outcomes/competencies?

QM IDA Learning Exchange Webinars
Join QM IDA members several times a year for free webinars delivered by your peers. Registration is limited to current members of the QM IDA. Recordings of past sessions can be accessed from the QM IDA Resource Site.
Session Title: High-Impact Design for Online Courses (HIDOC): The ID Model Purpose-built for Online Learning
Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm