Conference Presentations

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The Pursuit of Clarity: An Instructional Model of Learning

In fall of 2019 our Director of Curriculum and Instruction attended a statewide training with other curriculum directors across the state of Arkansas. In this session, the curriculum directors across the state were asked, "What is your Instructional Model?" It was at that time our Director of Curriculum and Instruction reached out to our C&I team and Design and Development team and asked, "What is our Instructional Model?" We didn't have a clear answer. We had practices, beliefs, procedures, and QM/NSQ standards.

The QM Ohio Year of Review: Building a Statewide Culture of Online Quality

The QM Ohio Consortium has now been in existence for 10 years. Despite having 60 member institutions, we have noticed that some institutions engage deeply with QM, while others do not. In order to address this, we announced an initiative in 2018 called the "QM Year of Review". This initiative was designed to help spur the adoption of QM across our member institutions, promote official course reviews, and encourage faculty and staff to complete QM professional development.

The Road to Quality - A Panel Discussion on Launching a QM Initiative

Getting buy-in for innovative teaching and learning techniques can be difficult since there are so many different ways, methods and approaches. Creating a QM culture on your campus is no different. Not all campuses work the same way.  In this session participants will be introduced to three different approaches to implementing QM on their campus.

The Road to Success: A Scaffolded Process

This session will look at how a department is moving forward in developing quality online courses through a scaffolded process including an informal peer review process at the department level. Performing an informal peer review will allow the Course Representative the ability to go back and make substantive changes using the feedback given. This process not only helps facilitate better outcomes when the course is submitted for QM certification but also promotes common discussion around online course quality and builds collegiality.

The Road to Success: A Scaffolded Process

This session will look at how a department is moving forward in developing quality online courses through a scaffolded process including an informal peer review process at the department level. Performing an informal peer review will allow the Course Representative the ability to go back and make substantive changes using the feedback given. This process not only helps facilitate better outcomes when the course is submitted for QM certification but also promotes common discussion around online course quality and builds collegiality.

The ROI of QM

In this session, we will show how we demonstrate to leadership that Quality Matters does matter. Implementation of QM provides institutions with a systematic approach to avoid negative ROI through compliance – reducing rework and poor learner experience. We will share the story we tell and the methods we use to support our requests for continued QM funding.

The Role of Quality in Promotion and Tenure

What constitutes excellence in teaching for university faculty when they are expected or required to create and teach high quality online courses? This is a question
that will increasingly be asked of members of promotion and tenure committees as market pressures demand entire degrees be delivered online. Developing
a high quality online course is a significant commitment in time and effort and frequently requires learning new skills and pedagogical methods. Increasingly,

The Student Voice: Inter-institutional Research on the impact of QM for Students

As part of QM's research agenda for 2014/2015, we want to encourage intra- and inter-institution research on how QM affects students.  This session will introduce two projects, with some preliminary data, that focus on student perceptions of their online learning experience. The basic research question: How does applying QM to a course affect students?

Project 1) Compare online courses that do, and do not, meet QM standards in terms of affect, self-efficacy, and quality of experience as evidenced in real-time student feedback during the course

The Value of Visuals: A Broader View of Standard 8

How does good visual design support the attainment of student learning outcomes? This session is for reviewers and designers who want to take the next step in understanding visual literacy in the online environment. Get a crash course in visuals that will help offer both breadth and depth when providing feedback around Specific Review Standards 4.1, 8.1, 8.4 and 8.5. Presented by Anna Lynch and Renee Petrina of Indiana University's eLearning Design & Services team.