Conference Presentations

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Smarter Not Harder: Efficiently and Effectively Meet Standards Using Your LMS

Leverage the features in your LMS to meet QM standards on an institutional level allowing faculty to focus on the content standards. An instructional designer, division leadership, faculty from Humanities, Math, and Health Sciences will explain how a college wide approach to meeting standards is saving faculty course representatives time and creating a consistent user experience for all students college wide.

Social and Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: An Investigation of the Cohort Model in an Information School Setting

Student learning is a key consideration for students who have increasing numbers of educational options in on-campus and online academic programs. A modified version of the Community of Inquiry survey was used to gather data from two groups of students; one group was organized into a formal learning cohort and one group was not part of a cohort. The data collected point to the positive power of the cohort and perceived increased satisfaction of the students.

SoTL from the start

Self-study curricular design offers unique opportunities through formative, systematic work using QM Standards during development. The purpose of this session is to propose Scholarship of Teaching and Learning be intentionally integrated into program development.

Sowing the Seeds of Course Quality: Knowledge and Application of Design Best Practices

NC State University's Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) has collaborated with 65 instructors to apply the Quality Matters course design standards to a single online or hybrid course, resulting in QM certification for all submitted courses. To measure the wider impact of participation, we asked faculty to reflect on what they had learned about course design and how they had applied that knowledge in additional courses.

Spicing It Up! Quality Course Design for the Digital Age

Are you interested in "new" ways to boost learner engagement in your course? Do you wish you could enhance your course activities but aren't sure where to start? Do you want to create a course that is easy to maintain, AND meets QM Standards? Then this session is for you! Come explore ways to "spice up" your course by incorporating web-based activities. OERs, virtual projects and more while keeping in mind the all-important concept of alignment. These "hot tips" will get you on your way to promoting learner interaction in your courses!

Spicing It Up! Quality Course Design for the Digital Age

Are you interested in "new" ways to boost learner engagement in your course? Do you wish you could enhance your course activities but aren't sure where to start? Do you want to create a course that is easy to maintain, AND meets QM Standards? Then this session is for you! Come explore ways to "spice up" your course by incorporating web-based activities. OERs, virtual projects and more while keeping in mind the all-important concept of alignment. These "hot tips" will get you on your way to promoting learner interaction in your courses!

Standard Three Deep Dive: Alternative and Authentic Assessments

Assessment is a complex subject and can take many forms. Used appropriately, assessments align with course objectives and ensure those objectives are met. Which types of assessment are most appropriate? And at what time should they be administered? How can low stakes assessments be used to build mastery and confidence? How does peer assessment fit into an overall assessment strategy? How can we measure a student's ability to demonstrate real-world skills? Join us to discuss timing, strategies, techniques, and examples participants can use in their own course design.