Conference Presentations

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QM's Internal Continuous Improvement Process

Continuous improvements is a cornerstone of QM. If you've ever wondered how QM determines how and when to roll out new workshops, a new certification, recertify roles or update professional development workshops, come to this session for a "look behind the scenes" of how QM ensures quality. HOw does QM measure success when new ventures liek web conferencing workshops are created? Why does QM ask facilitators to recertifity?

QM's New Teaching Online Certificate

Quality Matters is beginning to address other aspects of the quality online learning experience. The new Teaching Online Certificate from Quality Matters is built on validated online instructor competencies and includes a series of seven workshops. Instructors who complete the workshops will build a portfolio of evidence of their online teaching competence, culminating with the award of the Online Teaching Certificate upon completion of all seven workshops. Each workshop completion is recognized with a digital credential that is connected to evidence of competence.

QM, Quality Assurance, & Course Templates

Course design is at the front and center of online learning yet it is the least developed aspect of online learning pedagogy. Between the continued growth of distance learning enrollments and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for quality course design is essential to student success and completion and is critical to the sustainability of community colleges. This session will highlight one community college's efforts to progressively implement QM specific review standards in an effort to increase course completion rates.

Quality and Promise: Insights into Enhanced Learning and Retention at The University of Akron

This presentation delves into the innovative integration of the UAkron Online Promise (UAOP) with the Quality Matters rubric, a strategic approach aimed at augmenting student retention and bolstering learning outcomes. The UAOP, a commitment to excellence in online education, coupled with the rigorous standards of the Quality Matters rubric, creates a robust framework for course design and delivery.

Quality Assurance Across Delivery Methods: Using Rubrics and Templates to Drive Synchronous Sessions

Synchronous components of online courses can have many more variables in delivery than asynchronous components. In this session, we will share how VirtualSC uses common expectations, rubrics and presentation templates and to ensure that all students receive a quality experience, regardless of delivery method.

Quality Assurance BEFORE Step One: Integrating Quality Assurance into the Course Design Process

Integrating QM Standards after courses are completed identifies issues too late - resulting in poorly designed courses that fall short of meeting both learner needs and QM standards. We will share proactive tools and strategies that introduce QM before Step 1 of content construction, discuss what your organization already does in this regard, and explore opportunities that will result in courses that better meet learner needs and QM Standards. Come learn and share what your organizations does to stay a step ahead!

Quality Assurance, Education Policy and Regulation

This fireside chat-style conversation will provide insight into national regulatory and policy intentions and practices related to quality assurance and new forms of teaching and learning. Considering the rapid growth of alternative providers of education, the conversation will turn to questions about what quality assurance might look like in the future as higher education and alternative providers begin to "share" students. Will we see more collaboration between them and who is responsible for quality in that relationship?

Quality Assurance: A Webbed Approach

This session will discuss how to implement a quality assurance program that is based upon the Quality Matters Rubric and structured using a webbed approach to expand the impact across campus. Specific examples of the implementation process at a large university will be shared. Participants will leave the session with recommendations on how to implement a similar approach on their campuses.

Quality Beyond the Content - How to Evaluate the Quality of Your Interaction with Students

Research shows that student outcomes are significantly affected by the instructor's belief in their abilities. If so, it would be important to understand how this belief gets translated to students through your written and verbal communication. After analysis of several thousand text threads and comparison of student outcome data, patterns of both effective and ineffective communication emerged. These patterns have been codified into a rubric for training and self evaluation. Learn all about our process, findings, the rubric, and how to use it in this session.

Quality Conversations in Assessment

In this session, participants will learn about the quality assessment review process used at Western Governors University to evaluate the quality of objective and performance-based assessments, which are used as sole indicators of student competence. The convergence of the three key teams of program management, performance feedback, and psychometrics has resulted in a continuous improvement model shared by diverse units. Identifying assessment priorities is often a challenge in educational organizations.

Quality Implementation in Crisis and Improvisation

This conference was originally planned to be held in New York City, but we all find ourselves in a very different place and state of mind today. As the QM East conference winds down, this part of the program will open up a space to reflect on what the Covid-19 emergency measures have meant for quality initiatives across institutions (for better, for worse, and as yet to be seen!). How has this time of remote instruction shifted your thinking about the QM Rubric? Are some elements more important than others during a time of crisis?