Conference Presentations

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Engaging Students with Digital Badges in an Online Course

Digital badges can support learning that happens beyond traditional classrooms and can be used to represent achievements, communicate success, and set goals. Digital badges are currently being offered to students in a Computer Literacy online course as one method for making evident a student's progress through the learning activities associated with the course. Participants will learn how to use badges to help student engagement in an online course. Earn a Credly badge (maybe your first) for attending this session!

Engineering Learning with Learning Engineering

This presentation will introduce the emerging field of Learning Engineering and demonstrate how instructional design plays a role in learning engineering which also engages learning science, human-centered design and data analytics to create scalable learning environments in all modalities. Participants will learn the components of learning engineering through case studies. Using this information, participants will develop a plan of how to implement this process at their own institution. 

Enhancing Accessibility of Online Courses: Course Development Practices and Tools

Since 2003, Quality Matters (QM) has been a pioneer of best practices in the field of instructional design. Standards 7 and 8 of the QM Higher Education Rubric (6th edition, 2018) provide critical guidance on making online courses accessible to learners with disabilities. In addition, the Universal Design for Learning framework emphasizes an inclusive, proactive approach to course development for faculty, instructional designers, and support staff.

Enhancing Inclusiveness within the Quality Matters Framework

Diversity and inclusion are core principles incorporated into effective instruction and Quality Matters standards. For example, Standard 1 promotes inclusiveness through the course welcome and introductions. Standard 3 emphasizes multiple opportunities to demonstrate competence with varied assessments and Standard 8 enhances inclusion through accessibility and usability. The purpose of this session is to identify and develop strategies that promote inclusion in an online learning environment.

Ensuring Healthy Courses with QM "Plus": Supporting Equitable Online Course Design

CCCS is reimagining online learning across the state’s 13 community colleges. This session will address our efforts to expand the QM framework to incorporate DEI elements into the criteria for a “healthy course.” We will share resources, successes, and challenges related to promoting equitable online learning experiences.

Ensuring Healthy Courses with QM "Plus": Supporting Equitable Online Course Design

CCCS is reimagining online learning across the state’s 13 community colleges. This session will address our efforts to expand the QM framework to incorporate DEI elements into the criteria for a “healthy course.” We will share resources, successes, and challenges related to promoting equitable online learning experiences.

Ensuring Integrity & Alignment of QM Standards to a Blended Learning Program

QM isn’t just for online courses. This session will show which QM K-12 Rubric standards need to be modified in order to more correctly fit within a blended learning program as well as guide the learner in how to align a blended learning program to meet these modified standards.  This session will also review pedagogical and androgogical best practices used in blended learning and how aligning them with the QM K-12 Rubric will insure integrity in course development, implementation, and delivery.

Ensuring Quality After the Review is Over

Quality Matters is an excellent foundation for online course design, but what happens after the QM review? Once the QM review is over, how is quality ensured?  How does your institution determine when changes in a course warrant a new review?  This session will demonstrate the processes at New Mexico State University Alamogordo used to ensure the quality of the QM approved courses and to ensure the integrity of master courses based on the QM guidelines. It will also include steps used to determine the need for a new review.  

Equity by Design: The Student Experience Project Meets QM Standards

The Student Experience Project identified seven learning conditions correlated to student retention and success, notably for historically-underrerpresented learners. These conditions include belonging certainty, identity safety, institutional growth mindset, and self-efficacy. Each is linked to pedagogical interventions that quantifiably raise retention and success. Data indicates that combining QM Standards with SEP strategies has greater impact for online learners than for F2F courses.

Equity by Design: The Student Experience Project Meets QM Standards

The Student Experience Project identified seven learning conditions correlated to student retention and success, notably for historically-underrerpresented learners. These conditions include belonging certainty, identity safety, institutional growth mindset, and self-efficacy. Each is linked to pedagogical interventions that quantifiably raise retention and success. Data indicates that combining QM standards with SEP strategies has greater impact for online learners than for F2F courses.

Equity in Education: The Role of AI in Supporting Diverse Learners

This enlightening session will delve into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping education to promote equity and inclusivity for diverse learners. Explore a variety of AI-driven strategies, from generating alternative assignments and reducing answer choices to providing guided notes, adjusting reading levels, enabling language translation, crafting writing outlines, and generating quizzes from video transcripts.

Establishing a Strong Support System for Teachers, at Scale

Join us to learn how 2gnoMe ("To know me") platform for teachers facilitates large-scale, personalized professional learning, at scale, aligned to any required framework or set of standards. This session will elevate your practical understanding of ways to simplify what the districts are already doing to improve the teaching mastery and meet teacher retention goals. This session will be of interest to K-12 leaders, as well as content and training providers. 

Establishing a Student Advisory Board to Elevate Student Choice and Voice

What do high schoolers REALLY think about online learning? WHRO has established a Student Advisory Board to elevate student choice and voice in our online courses and digital learning products. By attending this session, you will discover how you can engage students in the online course creation and evaluation process. You will walk away with ideas to help you connect with your target audience of all ages. Learning Outcome: Discover ways to engage students in the online content creation and review process.

Establishing a Summer Institute: Developing and Designing with the Online Course Improvement Program

This presentation will describe how Quality Matters is being used as the framework for an online course improvement summer institute. You will hear from the institute organizers and faculty who have completed the program concerning best practices in online course design, as well as how QM was implemented in the curriculum of the institute. The three-week process found participants designing or revising their online or blended courses in preparation for an informal Quality Matters course review.