Conference Presentations

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Does One Size Fit All?

This presentation will engage program attendees in a discussion of the value of alternative pathways to achieve quality in online programs and to demonstrate the impact of internal QM reviews on institutional culture and quality improvement on programs and courses. 

Does Quality Really Matter? Implementing QM Training at River Parishes Community College

Presenters will discuss initial and ongoing Quality Matters implementation and online course review at their home institution. Topics will include: developing measurable goals and objectives, identifying prospective and current online faculty, selecting required Quality Matters courses, applying Quality Matters standards to current courses, reviewing online courses, and extending Quality Matters training into future semesters and courses.

Don't Ignore the D.E.A.: Design, Equity, and Access in Online Education

The "digital divide" was a term coined in 2012 to describe the disparity amongst those students who did have internet access and those who did not (Van Dijk, 2012). Research indicates teacher preparation and quality of teaching is the leading factor in student success. Poor preparation and inadequate quality of design strategies can deprive students of equitable use and access to optimal digital-based learning experiences (Delgado, 2019).

Driving Exponential Growth with Quality OER

In the journey of quality implementation and systemic institutional change, institutions that adopt quality Open Education Resources (OER) can strengthen their path to exponential growth. OER can enable learners and instructors to access quality resources to overcome barriers and empower them to continue in the educational community. In this session, resources and strategies for finding, implementing, integrating, and contributing OER will be shared.

Dual Credit: Do You Dare?

Are you daring to provide dual-credit courses?  Designing a dual-credit course doesn't have to be daunting.  Learn the design elements that are shared between both higher education and K-12 courses, and explore what needs to be included to facilitate student success at both levels.  Learn what QM recommends for course reviews, both formal and informal, and take a look at what some school districts are doing to make it happen.  Think your course is ready?  Bring it if you dare!

EduBytes: The Digital Tool Buffet to Cultivate QM Standards 5.2 and 6.2

How can online instructors maximize the power of digital tools to cultivate QM Standards 5.2 and 6.2 for student engagement and active learning in an engaging online learning experience?  We will peruse the digital tool buffet and sample a collection of tools just right for cultivating QM Standards 5.2 and 6.2 for the online course! We will start with an "appetizer" of general strategies, move to an "entree" of digital tools, and end with a sweet "dessert" application to our own online courses.

Effective Systems of Evidence-Led Improvement: How to Make Your Colleagues Love the Data?

The assumption that better student performance data invariably leads to improved student outcomes does not, unfortunately, hold true in many schools and colleges. Often, many challenges get in the way of improving student outcomes. There are specific challenges in using data to empower teaching effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Getting the right insight at the right time from data requires a commitment to both informational and organizational change. This presentation explores some lessons learned from our experience.

Effectively Using Workforce Program Advisory Councils for Quality Assurance

Are your workforce program’s learning outcomes and curriculum relevant to today’s employer’s needs? Are your faculty and administrators aware of the current industry and workforce trends? Workforce program aligned advisory councils can help answer these questions. Their purpose is to support workforce program quality assurance. Learn how to form, facilitate and use academic program advisory councils. 

Elementary My Dear, Watson: How QM's K12 Rubric Supports Elementary Design

In this session, we will highlight how the QM K12 Rubric can be used to support instructional coaching in an asynchronous virtual program. We will provide examples of how the rubric's annotations for K-5 courses can guide teachers in creating effective content. We will also discuss how coaches can use the rubric to provide constructive feedback that improves teacher efficacy and student achievement.