Conference Presentations

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Designing for Change: Creating Transformative Online Learning Experiences

Based on research into student perceptions of online course quality and the relationship between the Community of Inquiry and Transformative Learning, this presentation demonstrates why and how to: a) create consistency in online courses; b) transition learning objectives to the method for learning rather than merely a post hoc measure of it; and c) reframe questions in assignment instructions as declarative statements to create more effective and efficient teaching and learning experiences.

Designing Leaders for QA

For leaders in online education, the word "design" has a new resonance.  It reflects the prominent role of instructional design in the structuring of the student learning experience.  It also signifies the responsibility of leaders to plan, implement, measure, and analyze.  To prepare new leaders, MarylandOnline (MOL) launched a Leadership Institute (MOLLI).  MOLLI's Director and planning council members will share lessons learned in MOLLI 2017 and plans for MOLLI 2018.

Designing Learning That Promotes Transparency & Student Success: Applying the TILT (Transparency in Learning & Teaching) Model

Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) is a small teaching approach to enhance student learning. Explaining to students the "why" of an assignment is the premise of TILT. Three parts of TILT — purpose, task, criteria — align with objectives to show the relevancy of an assignment to a student. TILT supports the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric and helps instructors to think intentionally about activities. Examples from an online course using TILT and several resources will be shared.

Designing Master Courses that Promote Significant, Engaged Learning

In the last decade, significant emphasis has been placed on the process of creating quality online courses, with distance learning staff collaborating with faculty to create engaging and meaningful online course content. One way to meet the challenge of designing quality online courses, given the time and financial investment, is to create what is frequently termed a “master course”.

Designing Student Friendly Courses with Templates and Technology

The Department of Nursing created a Course Design Team and user friendly templates for developing online courses RN to BSN and BSN to DNP programs.  The course design makes it easier for the student to identify the course and module objectives, assigned reading and videos.  The course templates increase consistency throughout the program thereby increasing student satisfaction as evidenced by increase in course evaluation scores.

Designing to Promote Interaction in Online Learning

While online learning is convenient as it gives the students the opportunity of being flexible, many learners suffer from feeling isolated or disconnected from the community. To promote interaction in online learning, we add a new feature to the traditional system, Tele-Instruction, which enables students to interact with the instructor at their convenience. The system provides the possibility of peer and content interaction and can use machine learning algorithms to improve lecture quality.

Designing with Delivery in Mind: Using Online Teaching Principles in Faculty Course Design Training

Faculty support staff at Oregon State University Ecampus found that while they had the tools needed to depict quality course design — the QM Higher Education Rubric — they needed a resource that could paint a picture of what quality online teaching looks like. Recognizing the need for faculty support and development extended beyond course design, Ecampus staff developed research-based Online Teaching Principles to help online educators take a well-designed course and facilitate it successfully.

Developing a Community of Practice (CoP) Through Interdisciplinary Research

In this session, the presenters will discuss how one historically black university (HBCU) sought to overcome skepticism by engaging science faculty in their area of expertise: research.  Preliminary results from research conducted on flipped classroom methodology will be discussed along with their implications.  Additionally, presenters will discuss efforts to develop a Community of Practice (CoP) on campus.   The session will conclude with some hands-on exploration of different tools and techniques for creating fl

Developing a Framework for Quality Online Course Videos: What Does the Research Say

There are many factors to consider when using videos in online courses, and this session will identify some of those key factors. This will be done by highlighting the educational research to present a framework for quality online course videos that can guide your development and usage of video in online courses. We will also review what factors to consider as you review future research articles and identify what it means for your practice as an educator.

Developing a QM Culture During Course Design

The Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) delivers a variety of online courses targeting the public sector in Latin America. These courses are offered in two main formats: traditional instructor-led courses (in Moodle) and MOOCs (through edX). INDES serves as a hub for many distinct departments. Course design and development activities are distributed between various professionals. The QM rubric has taken an important role in providing a benchmark for quality control.

Developing Online Discussion Forums to Promote Higher-Order Thinking

Alignment is critical from a Quality Matters standpoint and also essential for assessment purposes.  A sound course design begins with measurable outcomes and alignment of coherent activities to provide students with quality learning experiences.  This session concentrates on student success by combining QM and assessment topics as the facilitators discuss challenges, needs, and emerging solutions to engage graduate education students in their online discussion forums.  In this session, facilitators discuss research on online discussion forums and assessment

Development of Quality Initiatives on a Less-Travelled Path: The Online Fellows Program

An overview of the Drexel University Online Fellows program will provide insights into methods of improving the quality of online courses, mentoring online faculty and enhancing the learning experience of online students. A description of the key role of institutional support in this effort will offer an understanding of how this program has been successful in beginning to change the culture of online teaching and learning at the University.

Diminishing Returns: The Impact of “less than” Helpful Recommendations

One of the key components of QM’s peer review process is the inclusion of helpful feedback from each review team member that is meant to guide the course developer in making course improvements.  This roundtable will discuss some of the impacts of “less than” helpful recommendations on the overall value and integrity of the peer review process and will focus on identifying strategies and ideas that Peer Reviewers and Master Reviewers might use to ensure that the recommendations in each review team report are “more than” helpful.

Dipping Our Toe into Multi-Media - A Faculty and Instructional Designer Collaboration Success Story

Over the past year, a faculty member and instructional designer at the Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University, have been working together to incorporate more weekly multi-media into his courses. We worked on both faculty produced videos while collaborating with a video production specialist, and on student produced videos using the multi-media tool Practice (ApprenNet). This session will discuss our collaborative process and the successes and challenges we faced.