#QMConnect With Ideas You Can Use

QM Connect is the go-to conference for online and blended learning professionals. There, one can connect with like-minded individuals as well as fresh ideas to improve the learner experience. Discover how K-12 and higher ed attendees benefit from participating in the conference and how their quality assurance journeys are impacted by what they find there.

Behind the Scenes of Exemplary Program Status

QM Exemplary Program Status is the highest level of quality certification for online programs. It is earned when an institution earns individual QM Program Certifications in four key areas — Online Program Design, Online Teaching Support, Online Learner Support, and Online Learner Success — within three years. Go behind the scenes of the certification process with the University of Alaska Fairbanks to learn more about what’s involved and the benefits it provides.

The Intersection of Quality and Quantity

Getting a lot done in a short amount of time can be a challenge. We might have to sacrifice a little quality to get the output we need. But can quality and quantity go hand in hand? The answer is “YES!” according to the University of North Florida and Athens State University, and many other members that have reached critical mass with QM-Certified courses. Read up on how quality for learners and institutional objectives can be achieved by going all in on course reviews.

Take Your Quality Commitment to the Next Level With Program Certification

As online learning continues to evolve and mature, so does the need to certify the quality of online offerings. Many institutions such as Bowling Green State University and John Tyler Community College have moved beyond course design certification and turned to Program Certification as a way to showcase the quality of their online programs and resources. Discover if you are ready too.

Improving the Student Experience Through Professional Development

Online instructors have many roles and responsibilities. Chief among them is understanding the student experience. Ensuring that faculty and staff are prepared to fulfill their many roles while remaining rooted in their commitment to providing quality learning experiences can be a tall order to fill. Learn how Appalachian State University used QM’s Teaching Online Certificate program to support its goals.