Ten Things to Look for When Purchasing Online/Blended Courses Get tips designed to help you identify courses that best fit your school and students. Lee más sobre Ten Things to Look for When Purchasing Online/Blended Courses
QM Impact Summary A synopsis and brief discussion of the research on the impact of Quality Matters that has been conducted since 2005. Lee más sobre QM Impact Summary
Accessibility Policy Creation Guidelines A starting point for institutions wishing to develop accessibility policies and practices for their online courses, designed as a set of dynamic guidelines rather than a legal document. Lee más sobre Accessibility Policy Creation Guidelines
Match Course Design Goals with QM Workshops Get guidance with designing certain components of your online course. Lee más sobre Match Course Design Goals with QM Workshops
Eight Ways to Clean Up Your Courses Whether developing an online course or looking to improve one, these tips provide a solid platform for examining course design. Lee más sobre Eight Ways to Clean Up Your Courses