Successes and challenges in supporting quality control and implementation of growing online and blended course offerings for Illinois Virtual School.
Bridging educational boundaries with high-quality and well-designed online courses for dual enrollment students.
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio's online quality assurance journey with QM.
Blue Valley Virtual Education Program's implementation of QM.
Implementation of Quality Matters in Albuquerque Public Schools
Does Findability Matter?: Findability, Student Motivation and Self-Efficacy in Online Courses is an article about a QM-related research project done in 2012 by Simunich, Robins, & Kelly at Kent
Tips for promoting your online courses and increasing your online enrollments.
A synopsis of two studies regarding optimal length of videos used in online instruction.
Get details on the permissible use of the Quality Matters (QM) materials most often requested related to conducting and citing QM in research.
Get tips designed to help you identify courses that best fit your school and students.
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