What are the fees for QM professional development?
Fees for courses and workshops are organized by topic and learning audience categories. You can also see if a course or workshop can be set up for dedicated and/or on-site delivery.
What are the steps to become a K-12 QM Certified Course Reviewer?
QM K-12 Course Reviewers must complete the K-12 APP and the K-12 Reviewer Course. They must also meet eligibility requirements and complete an application.
How can I generate a Derived National Standards for Quality Online Courses Report?
K-12 members can use the free reporting option inside inside the QM Course Review Management System to create a report that shows how their course aligns with the National Standards for Quality Online Courses.
What are the steps to become a Higher Ed QM Peer Reviewer?
QM Higher Ed Peer Reviewers must have a current QM Membership, complete the APPQMR and the Peer Reviewer Course. They must also meet eligibility requirements and complete an application.
How do I add an affiliate to our HE System or K-12 Consortium Subscription?
Notify QM of the affiliate you would like to add by completing a simple form. You'll need to know the name and email for the new affiliate's QMC. (This form should be filled out by the Lead-QMC.)
What are the policies and expectations for QM online certification courses?
QM has specific guidelines for participating, communicating and completing work in a certification course. Make sure you understand what is expected of you for being successful in these rigorous courses.
What are the policies and expectations for QM online workshops?
There are specific guidelines for communicating, completing work and participating in a QM workshop. Make sure you get off to a good start with your workshop.